Cincopa Video Analytics
Video Analytics by Cincopa are the ultimate source of insight into the online performance of your videos. Here, you can see where video views originated, how your audience interacted with your content and view detailed statistics for each video asset.
Understanding how your audience interacts with your content is a key-component en route to successful marketing. With Cincopa’s Video Analytics, you can be sure that your videos not only look great but deliver excellent marketing results. The latter can be improved by analyzing you viewers preferences, and using this information to create even more engaging content.
Video Analytics can be broken down into several categories, each providing different insight into your viewers preferences
The following is a quick overview to understand what information in available in each section:
- Collective overview of how all of your video assets are performing
- View all of your videos, and zero-in on the dates you would like to investigate.
- Unique plays refer to viewers who watched the video for the first time, plays refer to viewers who watched a video more than once
- Track where your videos are embedded, from which devices most viewers watched them, your viewers’ location and many other useful statistics
Recent Visits
- Access detailed information regarding each and every user who has recently (within the last week) watched one or more of your videos.
- Information includes the country the video was viewed from, view date, video asset name, a web page where the video was played, IP, and engagement rates.
- Quickly and easily gauge how well your content is performing
Video Heatmaps
- Individual statistics on a per video basis
- Detailed information tracking views, engagement percentage, active domains, and a full viewer list
- Specific information related to one video at a time will allow you to gauge the effectiveness of videos that may be part of a course or program containing multiple videos