This article explains how you can invite users to your CincoTube. You can invite users to a Workspace if you want to give them access to all the channels within a workspace or you can invite them to a specific channel.
Steps for inviting users to a Workspace:
- Login to your CincoTube account and click on Home.
Open the workspace settings by clicking on the gear icon next to the name of the workspace.
Here you can either add individual users or add multiple users using the Groups option. Click on the Add Users button.
Start typing in the email of the user. If the email is already registered for CincoTube, it will show up in the list and you can select it. If the email doesn’t exist, you can click on the ‘+ Invite via email’ option.
Select the Role you would like to assign to the user using the Role dropdown and then click on the Add button. The user will get an email invitation to join the workspace.
- The user would need to accept the email invitation and will be prompted to update their name and password when they click on Open Now.
Enter your name and password and then click on the Update button.
Once a password is set, user can sign in to the Cincotube account directly using their email address and password.
Steps for inviting users to a Channel:
- Navigate to the Channel you would like to invite the users to.
- Click on the gear icon to access the Channel settings.
- Click on Privacy, users & groups from the Channel settings page.
- Here you can either add individual users or add multiple users using the Groups option. Click on the Add Users button.
- Start typing in the email of the user. If the email is already registered for CincoTube, it will show up in the list and you can select it. If the email doesn’t exist, you can click on the ‘+ Invite via email’ option.
- Select the Role you would like to assign to the user using the Role dropdown and then click on the Add button. The user will get an email invitation to join the workspace.
- The user would need to accept the email invitation and will be prompted to update their name and password when they click on Open Now.
Enter your name and password and then click on the Update button.
- Once a password is set, user can sign in to the Cincotube account directly using their email address and password.
- Navigate to the Channel you would like to invite the users to.
Steps for setting the Workspace or Channel as Public:
- Click on the Add Groups button when you are on the Privacy, users & groups tab of the workspace or channels settings page.
- Start typing in Public and once it appears in the dropdown click on it to select it.
- Select the Role as viewer and click on Add. The workspace or channel will be set as public so anyone can access it.