With CincoTube’s Zoom integration, you will have any Zoom-related recording readily-available in CincoTube, at any time.
Note: If you already have Zoom integration setup in your Cincopa account then you don’t need to re-add it to your CincoTube account. As both Cincopa and CincoTube accounts are linked, the integrations will appear in both accounts. You can simply change the settings in CincoTube if you would like the recordings to be uploaded to a specific channel.
How to integrate your CincoTube account with the Zoom account:
First, some directions to help you orientate:
Not a Zoom User? Try out their free account
Not a CincoTube User? Get in touch
Let’s start integrating!
To set up your Cincopa video ZOOM integration, complete the following steps:
- Log into your CincoTube Account or Sign up for a new Cincopa Account.
- Once you are logged in, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen and then select Account.
- Click on Integrations from the left hand side menu.
- Under Available Integrations, you will see Zoom listed as an option. Click on the Connect icon to connect your zoom account to CincoTube (make sure you have a Zoom account first 😊).
- Enter your Zoom login info and sign in.
- You’re going to be asked to give Cincopa the permission to access your Zoom account. Click on the Allow button.
- After clicking Allow button Zoom will be added to your integrations. Click on Settings icon to configure the integration setup.
Select how you would like to customize the zoom integration and what type of recordings you would like to upload to CincoTube. If you would like to upload the recordings to a specific channel, you can select the channel using the ‘Add to Channel’ option.