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Best Tips for Editing Training Videos

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Here’s 5 of the best tips for editing training videos to enhance employee learning.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, practical employee training is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Training videos have become famous for delivering consistent, engaging, and easily accessible content. However, creating a compelling training video goes beyond simply recording content; the editing process is where the magic happens. 


When it comes to optimizing your employees’ learning journey, editing plays a pivotal role. Just like in a finely crafted video, where every cut serves a purpose, refining your training content can elevate comprehension and engagement levels. Mastering the art of video editing is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of possibilities. To embark on this journey, consider incorporating a free mp4 editor into your toolkit. Here are five invaluable tips to transform your training videos into captivating educational experiences.


Tip 1: Plan Your Content

Completing the video is one of the first things to do after the planning phase. To begin editing the video, it must be designed with a well-thought-out plan as a starting point and guide. The first step is to write down your video’s main points. This arranges your content in a logical sequence, which gives your team comfort and interest at the same time.


The amount of time the video runs should be established during this period. However, a good training video should only be experienced while being detailed. Be brief in covering your subject, using as few words as possible while carefully conveying everything you need. After the outline is in place, working with a script will also assist you in the editing process. A script enables timely prompts to film and is very helpful during the final cut.

Tip 2: Trim Waste

A person takes a lot of footage and then chooses small ones to weave a story. This gives the viewers a clearer picture so that they can understand. Cutting out unnecessary shots is also essential. To deliver your message concisely and clearly, focus on trimming any excessive scenes in the video.


Trim the unimportant parts with a free video cutter. During the editing, look for areas where the trainer may go offside, pause, or repeat parts of his presentation. If you remove these cuts, the video will be more compact and of a higher standard, showing excellent professionalism.

Tip 3: Add Engaging Visuals and Graphics

Incorporating engaging visuals and graphics can significantly enhance the learning experience. Static videos with just a presenter talking can quickly become monotonous. Add relevant images, infographics, and animations that complement the spoken content to keep your audience engaged.


Slides help express complex ideas more vividly and visually so that the viewer can comprehend them better. For example, if your training video is about a new software tool, use the screen recording feature to show how this is done. Furthermore, a text overlay may be useful to highlight various concepts, notions, and definitions. This avoids a monotonous flow of ideas and reinforces key points.

Tip 4: Use High-Quality Audio and Music

Good audio quality is equally important as good video quality in a training video. Low-quality sound can direct the audience and allow them to concentrate on the content. Ensure good audio quality and cut out all the noise distracting the audience. If the original sound is problematic, consider exploiting audio production tools to improve the quality.


Additionally, using background music can enhance the viewing experience. Mainly relevant music should be chosen and should not be a source of distraction as it can also easily make it hard to grasp the subject thoroughly. Using multimedia elements with the script is essential for a better audio product. To do this, the correct audio files must be used according to the type of production. Music should be different from what is contained in the soundtrack; in other words, it should complement the spoken words in the playlist.

Tip 5: Include Interactive Elements

Interactive activities can be an excellent way to make people more participative, which is instrumental in learning. For example, quizzes, polls, and clickable links are the different interactive elements that can be embedded in videos to engage users and underpin the learning process. Besides breaking the monotony, interactive elements trigger the audience to pay attention and retain information.


For example, after explaining a concept, a quick quiz can be given to the viewers to test whether they understand the topic. Another way to check people’s views is through polls, which can help determine how the audience perceives the content. For this reason, interactive videos are more effective and enjoyable for viewers, making the tasks more enjoyable.


Training videos with impressive edits contribute significantly to employee training quality. A sequence intended for editing would result in all sorts of errors and, generally, waste much of your time. To facilitate the process, try to include pictures, charts, tables, or other graphics that make the topic more understandable to the viewer.


In addition, it is advisable to use background music if it is in the right place, as it is also quite effective. Let’s remind the reader that a training video aims to make learning exciting. An in-depth editing technique is used here to guarantee a complete understanding. To upgrade your editing skills, make sure you allocate a reasonable amount of time to it, and gradually, you will notice an increase in participant engagement and an improvement in knowledge retention.

Originally published on June 3rd, 2024
The Blog

Best Tips for Editing Training Videos

by Ashley Lipman time to read: 4 min