Since the end of March 2020, Google has been working on bringing into effect its new terms and conditions across every country. Anyone using Google services from March 31, 2020, by default, agreed to these new terms.
Being one of Google’s major updates since 2012, the new terms of service were mostly triggered by the new internet use rules widely known as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that were developed and implemented in Europe.
January 5, 2022, is an important date in the full implementation of Google Terms of Service.
Google Terms of Service 2021 to 2022: What has changed
The updated terms of service by Google took effect from March 31, 2020.
According to Google, the purpose of the updates is to give users better readability and communication. The terms of service added to the list are Chrome, Chrome OS, and Google Drive.
Google has been sending emails to its users notifying them about the changes. According to the email, the updates will only affect the terms of service but not on Google privacy policy.
Users may choose to ‘’review’’ the new terms or just click on the Got It option to confirm.
The new updates are summarized in bullet points to help users grab and understand them easily. The company added new sections to its terms of service to include 18 new sections.
Each point is backed up by links that users can click to read further for clarification.
It is noteworthy that beginning from 2022, Google users will be able to get details of the information Google collects from them. Users will also get confidentiality as well as security performance maintained by Google.
Why you should treat Video like Searchable Content when it comes to SEO and Google Search
Lately, videos are becoming a great marketing tool because they attract more viewership and engage the users. However, with the new Google terms of service, videos will also be used to determine content ranking in Google’s search engine.
Marketers will require using a combination of different technologies to create excellent video content for customers and be careful not to use too much bandwidth.
Marketers will also have to SEO optimize the videos with search-related keywords to help users find their videos for a better ranking on Google pages. The process will involve the creation of relevant metadata for each video.
SEO optimized videos help increase customer engagement and have a higher ROI.
Statistics show that 80 percent of marketers who use videos report an increase in sales. 87 percent report higher traffic, while another 83 percent report videos improve their lead generation.
Google Terms of Service 2022
The new Google terms of service 2022 will take effect on January 5, 2022. They describe how Google does its business, the applicable laws, and things they value as true.
Google terms and conditions detail how Google will relate communication with users starting from 2022.
Google terms of service are subdivided into bulleted headings as follows –
Minimum age requirement
A user who has not attained the minimum required age for managing a Google account must get permission from their parent or legal guardian to operate a Google account.
If the parent or legal guardian allows their child to use a Google account, they are responsible for activities carried out in that account.
How you relate to Google
Google allows users to use its service on the condition that they accept the ToS reflected in the conditions that define Google’s business and the way they earn money.
Under the terms, Google provides all its services under these terms and they expect users to follow them.
Conditions for using Google services
You are free to create a Google account if you meet the minimum age requirement but you are responsible for taking the necessary security steps for yourself and other users.
Corporate users must appoint a representative who must agree to the terms of service.
Responsibility for content
The Google terms of service give users the freedom to create content, publish it and retain rights to it. However, Google may remove the content if it violates the Google privacy policy.
All content that belongs to Google has its intellectual property rights vested on Google.
Google services software
Any downloadable software created by Google can be used by users as part of Google services.
Google gives a worldwide license to such software. No user is allowed to sell, copy, make changes, or lease such software in part or full.
Fixing problems and solving disagreements
The Google terms of service give users a warranty to report any challenges with the use of its services to correct action to be taken.
Google will only solve the problem under the conditions on its warranty section and additional terms of use.
Disputes, governing law, and courts
All disputes are governed under California law and resolving them is strictly under the USA federal law or state courts of California.
Actions due to problems
Before Google takes action against any account, it will first notify the user and describe in detail the reasons for its action, giving them time to rectify unless the violation is gross.
Content removal
If a user’s content violates the Google terms of condition, Google will take action and remove the content.
Account suspension
If a user continually breaches these terms of service, Google holds the right to terminate or suspend the user’s account.
If a user’s conduct is likely to cause harm to another user, Google will suspend their account.
Google Privacy Policy 2022
The purpose of the updated Google privacy policy is to provide as much transparency as possible. The new Google privacy policy page includes the older version of the policy.
Google commits itself to put every effort to protect user information and put the user under control.
Rank your video on Google Search with Video SEO
Video SEO offers several benefits to marketers. They attract more views, increase brand awareness, and increase sales.
Search engines are currently using SEO algorithms for videos that rank them on their pages. Marketers need to add SEO-optimized texts to their videos to help rank them better on Google search.
How to add Video SEO to your video
The reason for adding video SEO is to help rank your video better in Google search. Before you upload your video to a video hosting platform, make sure you have added video SEO to it as part of the video content.
To start with:
- Choose the right video hosting platform depending on your digital marketing strategy.
- Enter your video caption to make it accessible to a larger audience.
- Make sure your video thumbnail is visible and engaging.
The meta title of your video matters. It must be captivating and meaningful to your audience. Upload the video on the page that is relevant to your audience.
Finally, embed your video so that it can rank high. If you have several videos, make sure you upload the important videos first.
What is JSON-LD and how does the technology work
JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. It helps content creators create content that is easy for machines to index. By making the JavaScript readable, the content becomes easily searchable in search engines like Google.
JSON-LD works through codes contained in lightweight files. The codes are what help link data. During a search, the codes successfully link data and tell users details like prices for specific products, area codes, addresses, etc.
When using a JSON-LD file format during a search, searchers don’t need to add domains because the JavaScript file contains all the relevant information.
Increase Video Ranking with Video SEO from Cincopa
You can increase your video searchability and video ranking on Google Search Engine with the best-in-class Video SEO provided by Cincopa.
Cincopa is a private video hosting platform and video asset management solution that provides secure video hosting to content creators and enterprise publishers alike.
Find out how our Video solutions can help you optimize your video and increase your Google search ranking.