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How Do You Improve Internal Communication with a Video Tube Communication Solution?

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Internal communication can be challenging.
They can have an extremely negative effect on the health and success of an organization. The use of video communication is invaluable today, primarily as many employees now work remotely. It is essential for organizations to find a way to make the most use of their video assets. A video tube communication solution can help to solve many communication issues. Here are some common problems and how a video tube communication solution can help. 

Common internal communication challenges

The following are some of the most common internal communication challenges organizations face today. 

1. A lack of clarity 

Employees need to know what’s going on in an organization and understand the reasons for major decisions. When management doesn’t convey information or internal communication is vague, it breaks down trust between the organization and employees.
A lack of clear communication often leads to confusion or misunderstandings between managers and employees and between team leaders and team members. 

2. Too much information

In today’s digital age, employees receive constant information from different sources. They can feel overwhelmed by it, and it’s hard to sort through it all to find what’s relevant to their work. If they can’t easily find the video content they need, it’s useless to them. The value of information can easily get lost. Without communication effectiveness, employees are more stressed and less productive. 

3. Silos and departmental barriers

In larger organizations, different departments often operate in silos. This can make team collaboration and sharing of information difficult. One department has no idea what another department is doing. This affects team productivity and the efficiency of the whole organization. 

4. Language and cultural barriers

In a globalized work environment, employees often speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds. This can create barriers to communication effectiveness and employee engagement. These barriers can affect the organization’s culture in a negative way. 

5. The needs of remote employees

Without face-to-face communication, remote employees can easily feel disconnected or isolated. Relying on email alone to communicate is definitely not enough. It is easy for miscommunication to occur without the benefit of seeing facial expressions and body language. Video communication is the best way to replace face-to-face communication for remote employees.

Using inappropriate channels for team collaboration etc., can impact communication effectiveness. Without the right communication channels in place, it’s very difficult to align employees with the goals of the organization, break down silos and drive innovation. Communication channels have a direct influence on employee engagement. 

Within the modern workplace, communications are increasingly complex. It can be difficult for employees to communicate in a way that enables them to do their best work. Rather than just adding more communication channels, employers need to take a different approach. 

The benefits of using a video tube solution

Today employers have to turn to modern, user-friendly communication channels and tools. Internal communication channels must allow for delivering the correct information to the right employees at the right time. This creates a healthy organizational culture where effective communication can take place. 

Video conferencing solutions can help to promote conversations among teams, but they don’t drive ongoing conversations, engagement, sharing of updates etc.
For this VideoTube solutions can be the answer. 

Consolidating all assets on a single platform gives each employee in an organization a central source of relevant information. Using a video tube solution can improve internal communications in many different ways.

Enhance clarity and consistency.

Studies prove that video communication is more engaging than text or audio. When employee engagement is higher, message retention is higher, and the organization’s culture benefits.
A video tube solution that centralizes video assets means employees always have access to videos that can help them to answer their questions and gain clarity. 

Managers can create short announcement videos so employees can find out immediately about any changes, such as a change of vendor or a new hire. They can always stay in the loop and know what’s going on. Employees can create videos to share information with their colleagues and collaborate more efficiently with them. 

Improve engagement

Video communication is the most effective way to grasp the attention of employers. With video tube solutions, it’s possible to use videos in a way that helps to increase employee engagement. For example, employees can create videos and add interactive elements to them, such as calls-to-action, annotations, closed captions, or lead-generation forms. Listening becomes active rather than passive, which leads to better message retention. 

Ease of use

When employees can easily access videos anytime and from anywhere, they can all be on the same page. With intelligent search, they can find the videos they need when they need them. They can search for videos by using titles, tags, in-video spoken words etc. Dividing videos into chapters helps employees to access specific information without necessarily having to watch a whole video. 

Employees can also find the videos they need from inside tools they already use, like a CRM or LMS. This makes their work much easier and enhances team productivity. For example, they can easily add customer support videos or training videos. It becomes part of the organization’s culture to use videos to support many aspects of work, including employee recruiting, onboarding, training, etc. 

Better team collaboration

Team collaboration improves when team members can share their ideas. For example, they can upload a video explaining their ideas, and other team members can view the video and discuss the ideas. This can improve teamwork, help with message retention, and encourages employees to share their knowledge. Knowledge sharing can be a great asset in an organization. 

Personalize communication 

Employees can personalize videos to meet the specific needs of different departments and employees. For example, they can explain a new workflow or new software for a specific department. They can highlight the achievements of certain team members in a department. 

Video communication using a video tube solution helps to create a more engaged workforce where message retention and team productivity is high. 

Use cases for a video tube communication solution.

There are a great many use cases for a video tube solution, from live streaming and creating video-on-demand to pre-recording events. When employees have the tools they need to create videos for training or other purposes, organizations often have a great number of videos. This can lead to a lack of organization and management of these assets. A video tube solution provides a central place to host, organize, manage, enhance and share videos. 

Live Streaming

Most organizations do some form of live streaming today, and it can enhance communication effectiveness. For example, using live streaming allows employers to impart time-sensitive information to remote workers. 

Organizations use live streams for a number of different purposes, such as corporate events, webinars, live Q&A sessions, and more. Live streams can increase employee engagement as employees can participate by commenting and asking questions. 

Creating video-on-demand

With so many employees working remotely, it helps them to have convenient access to video-on-demand (VOD). They can access it at any time for training purposes and answers to questions. Video conferencing programs are in frequent use, and automatically converting the results into VOD is possible when using video tubes. 

Pre-recording events

Organizations can record guests speaking using a software solution or a camera-microphone setup. They can then upload it to the video tube and schedule it to play at a specific time as a live broadcast. This provides yet another option for increasing employee engagement and keeping employees in the loop. 

Getting employees to create videos

Organizations where employees are able to create videos, have an affordable way to increase their video assets.
They also have more communication effectiveness because employees like to watch videos that their colleagues make. 

An explainer video made by an employee can help to break a topic down to make sure other employees understand it. It only needs to be made once, and employees can continue to access it to refresh their brains on a specific topic for many years to come.
A collection of explainer videos on a video tube training channel can significantly help with the ongoing training of employees. 

Creating company culture videos

Every organization has a mission, values, and a particular personality. The organization’s culture influences how clients experience it and what it feels like for employees to work there. Videos that reflect the organization’s culture may include current employees talking about how they experience working for the organization or a glimpse behind-the-scenes of an event. 

Videos like this can play an important role in recruiting new employees and retaining current ones. Many organizations create recruiting and onboarding videos today to help attract and retain top talent. 

Best practices for using video tube communication solutions for internal communication

There isn’t a single approach for internal communication that works for every organization. Every organization has its own structure, plans, organizational culture, and goals. However, some best practices apply when using video tube communication solutions

1. All employees need to be in the loop

Internal communication is flawed unless all employees are in the loop. It shouldn’t only be managers that know what’s going on. If a team has to work towards the same goals, it has to receive all the same information on protocols, updates, project shifts etc. If employees are misinformed or not informed at all, they are inefficient and prone to making mistakes. 

While emails are a popular means of communication, they aren’t always effective. Videos increase communication effectiveness, and a video tube communication solution allows for maximum use of them. For example, with video tubes, it is easy to invite contributors to join a channel. This facilitates team collaboration on projects and more content sharing. 

2. Information exchange should be two-way

Disseminating messages from leadership is essential, but feedback from employees is equally important.
The two-way exchange of information is vital, especially when employees work remotely.
Effective two-way communication increases team productivity, boosts knowledge sharing, and keeps all vital knowledge at the fingertips of employees.

Organizations need to find out what employees are really thinking by getting feedback from them. They can use video tubes to get the feedback they need with videos that contain surveys or polls about their job roles, working conditions, company policies etc. 

It is important to have a space where conversations, suggestions, and feedback can take place. A video tube channel allows employees to easily submit feedback. This means they are more likely to communicate, which can avert problems. 

3. Communication must be consistent

An erratic approach to internal communication will lower employee engagement levels.
Planning ahead is the best way to maintain consistent communication. Organizations need to schedule regular messaging, upcoming events, breaking news etc. They need to decide on the right communication method and when to deliver communication. Video tube helps to facilitate this because it gives them several different ways to communicate, including delivering live streams, live broadcasts, or video-on-demand. 

4. Analytics to measure engagement is necessary

If employers don’t measure engagement, they don’t know the extent of communication effectiveness. It is essential to track metrics in order to adjust and improve communication strategies. This leads to the most team productivity. 

The best video tube solutions have real-time dashboards where employees can view analytics, heatmaps etc.
They can view locations, average engagement, IP addresses, view dates etc. Heatmaps provide helpful visual information, such as seeing where employees drop off while watching videos. This can help with improving videos and making them more engaging. 

5. Sensitive information must be secure

Employers have to ensure that employees can only view what they need to view based on their roles, departments etc. Video tube solutions usually have strong permission settings to allow for this. 

A video tube solution like Cincopa has public and private channels. A public channel is an open channel, and users can access it without having to log in or without being invited to the channel as a user. Private channels for internal communication help to keep sensitive organization information secure. 

A video tube solution has to have various layers of security to ensure the protection of sensitive information. These may include video encryption, SSO, Domain Lock, and whitelisting. Internal teams should be able to share confidential information without fearing it will leak. 

Enterprise case studies 

Various organizations successfully use video tube communication solutions for both external and internal communication. CincoTube by Cincopa is a video tube solution used by online educators, digital publishers, healthcare organizations etc. It is an end-to-end solution that helps enterprises to gain the maximum benefit from their video assets. It offers everything from streaming to managing videos and integrating them with other systems. 

1. Leidos case study

Dora Tzotchevska, Senior Multimedia Producer of Leidos Digital Solutions, has been a client of Cincopa for more than six years. She produces many e-marketing and learning videos. Her department has a CRM product that 65%% of federal, state, and government agencies use. Leidos uses Cincopa’s CincoTube to help centralize and organize all the video assets and content for marketing, sales, training, and e-learning. 

Leidos enjoys the flexibility and versatility of Cincopa and the fact that it gives them more visibility. Editing videos, subtitling them and adding chaptering are some of the functions they find useful. They also enjoy using a large variety of templates to package their offerings and make them more attractive than other products on the market. 

Leidos uses three CincoTube channels at present. This allows them to segment their products for e-learning, marketing and training. With a channel for internal training, they can customize and brand it. They don’t have to worry about their assets getting into the wrong hands. There is no clutter or getting unwanted ads like when they previously used YouTube. 

The company finds it easy to manage assets and data flow between departments because they are centralized in one location. The fact that all the channels are searchable makes it easy to find and use assets. Customers can go and search for video titles in a channel, and this increases the visibility and usage of products. They can also click on a link in a video to go to another resource. 

2. Unified Mindfulness case study

Dave Dennis is the CMO of Unified Mindfulness, a community of mindfulness teachers who train and certify other teachers. It creates live and VOD content, and using CincoTube means they can centralize it in one place. 

Different messaging for external and internal communications: Unified Mindfulness has established good feedback loops with its audiences. It has different messaging for external and internal communications and ways to measure both. 

Live streaming: Unified Mindfulness may have 10,000 people live streaming at the same time for a five or seven-day period. The main focus of these live streaming events is to reach a wide audience and engage it. Getting feedback ahead of such an event helps them to shape the event content. 

Video-on-demand: All the live events are converted to video-on-demand. Dave Dennis says that a live event may resonate with about one percent of people, but offering VOD can reach those who don’t attend the live event. Once individuals join an email list or participate in the online community in some way, the company can tailor their experience to suit their goals and interests. 

Consistent analytics: Analytics give insight into what resonates with individuals. For example, the team looks for viewers who finish watching content because they are likely to become clients. A consistent pattern in data can help to shape future video communication. 

Dave Dennis says that organizations must invest in a platform that helps them to reach across devices and stream effectively. They may focus on producing content, but they need a way to syndicate and broadcast it.

Organizations using CincoTube for internal communications can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Embrace real-time communication and keep remote employers connected and informed. 
  • Segment internal audiences for better content personalization. 
  • Create different channels to cater to the needs of different departments and enhance team collaboration. 
  • Integrate various communication and collaboration tools. For example, integration with Zoom means any Zoom-related recording is readily available in CincoTube at any time. 
  • Access analytics on employee engagement with internal content to take communications to a new level. 

Channel syndication

CincoTube’s channel syndication can revolutionize the way internal teams share and receive content.
All it requires is enabling a syndication option for a channel and then copying the channel’s ID and pasting it to create a new one. 

With channel syndication, teams can have direct access to a specific channel, and when adding new content, it automatically shows up on all the Tubes where the channel is added. This allows for the distribution of information to multiple channels simultaneously. It can help with distributing important messages or updates to employees across the entire organization. 

Employers can post updates, announcements and other important information and ensure that all employees receive the same information in a timely and consistent manner. 

Organizations can use syndication for internal communication to provide real-time updates to employees on important news.
They don’t have to check multiple sources but can go to one source. 

Overall, syndication is a useful way to improve team productivity and employee engagement. Employees have all the information they need to be productive, and there are fewer gaps in information. 


Internal communication is more challenging today than ever before, especially as so many employees now work remotely. When employees can easily create, upload, watch, and share videos, it enables more effective internal communication. Using a video tube solution facilitates this, and using interactive features on videos lead to better message retention and more active engagement.
Investing in a video tube solution like CincoTube is the best way for organizations to centralize and manage their internal communications. 

Originally published on April 7th, 2023
The Blog

How Do You Improve Internal Communication with a Video Tube Communication Solution?

by Simi time to read: 12 min