This article explains how you can implement Azure Single Sign-On in Cincopa.
Steps for creating an Enterprise application:
- Go to the Azure portal and sign in using one of the roles listed in the prerequisites.
- Browse to Azure Active Directory and select Enterprise applications. The All applications pane opens and displays a list of the applications in your Azure AD tenant.
- In the Enterprise applications pane, select New application.
- Enter a name for the app and click on Create.
- Click on Single sign-on and then click on SAML.
- From the Cincopa Dashboard > SSO page, enable SAML by selecting the SAML/SSO Enable checkbox and copy the ENTITYID and REPLY URL as shown below.
It will look something like :
Identifier (Entity ID) =
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) =<your_unique_Cincopa_acco
Paste it into the fields on the basic SAML configuration window and click Save.
- Scroll up to SAML signing certificate and download the Federation Metadata XML file as shown below.
- In Cincopa, go to Dashboard > SSO and click on Upload file under IDP METADATA.
- Upload the file and click on Save settings.
You should now be use the Azure single sign-on when logging into Cincopa.