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  2. Azure Cincopa SSO Integration

Azure Cincopa SSO Integration

This article explains how you can implement Azure Single Sign-On in Cincopa.

Steps for creating an Enterprise application:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and sign in using one of the roles listed in the prerequisites.
  2. Browse to Azure Active Directory and select Enterprise applications. The All applications pane opens and displays a list of the applications in your Azure AD tenant.
  3. In the Enterprise applications pane, select New application.

  4. Enter a name for the app and click on Create.
  5. Click on Single sign-on and then click on SAML.

  6. From the Cincopa Dashboard > SSO page, enable SAML by selecting the SAML/SSO Enable checkbox and copy the ENTITYID and REPLY URL as shown below.
    It will look something like :
    Identifier (Entity ID) = https://jz7hre9x8k.execute-api.us-east1.amazonaws.com/prod/sp/metadata?encrypted=true
    Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) = https://jz7hre9x8k.executeapi.us-east1.amazonaws.com/prod/sp/acs?connection=<your_unique_Cincopa_acco

    Paste it into the fields on the basic SAML configuration window and click Save.
  7. Scroll up to SAML signing certificate and download the Federation Metadata XML file as shown below.
  8. In Cincopa, go to Dashboard > SSO and click on Upload file under IDP METADATA.
  9. Upload the file and click on Save settings.

You should now be use the Azure single sign-on when logging into Cincopa.

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