Inline Editor

Cincopa allow to add inline editor to video with custom api, to activate it need to be used cincopa.boot_gallery method.

Inline Editor

Check this codepen to see it in action.

cincopa.boot_gallery accept 3 params

* @param {object} loadObject - { 
*   "_object": "ID of the Element where to append or HTML DOM Element" ( required )
*   "_fid": "Gallery FID" ( required )
*   "_editor": "Editor Object" (optional)
*   }
cincopa.boot_gallery = function(loadObject){

There are already ready to use modules chapters, thumbnail and caption and to activate them Editor Object that passed to boot_gallery must have this construction:

let editor = {

Its possible also to develop custom modules and load it with editor in this case editor object will be:

let editor = {
      {name:'customModuleName','js_path':"JS PATH", 'css_path': 'CSS PATH'}
      {name:'customModuleName2','js_path':"JS PATH2", 'css_path': 'CSS PATH2'}


To get TOKEN you can use

For security reason this call must be done from server side with permission token.get_temp and it must be limited to exact asset.

In response server will return token that can be used to pass to an editor
Response body example:

    "success": true,
    "token": "1505013i22022-02-12T06:42:33.2163119Z!passet.*!rAUIDkjlYhZHB!xbsw4iy5jwj1ulugkex34qcxaf",
    "runtime": 48

You can check how it works and get morde details about this API in our documentation.

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