There can be many reasons to use online video, but potential dividends from adding it to a website or blog can be so huge that business owners and marketers mustn’t ignore it. Whether the goal is to drive engagement, to increase conversion rate, or to decrease cost per lead video is the right solution. Even more so, being able to add professionally-looking video quickly with no hand coding makes these goals much easier to achieve. Cincopa offers the smartest way to host, manage and embed videos which is as simple as ABC.
Another gem has been added to our collection of skins. The brand new Cincopa Video Player with responsive layout has a stylish design and will give your website a smooth, modern look. Moreover, this HTML5 player will make your video work on mobile devices just as perfectly as on desktop.
This beautiful skin was designed with custom branding at heart. When you need to boost brand awareness there’s no better way to do it than with online video which you can publish on multiple web pages and share via social networks. Just a few clicks – and the video player starts working directly for your business.
Your own logo will look just awesome in the player control bar. You can also add a custom logo click URL which will open right in the video player frame and direct your users to the desired website regardless of where they will be watching your video! If you need even more brand exposure insert a watermark which can be shown right where you want: on the right, left, top or bottom side of the video screen. Watermarks can work with custom URLs as well, so here is another valuable source of traffic for your site.
It’s time to give your brand a boost! Start publishing videos and more custom multimedia with Cincopa right now!