With Cincopa enterprise video hosting you can transform the way your company communicates, educate your staff and audience and get more web traffic. This is how:
Engaging tools for enterprises
The ultimate creative platform for video, audio and image content, Cincopa, helps change the way your company communicates internally and externally. We offer big companies the tool to build rich portals with a custom design that combines different media types engaging customers with multimedia galleries and playlists that work across all devices and web browsers.
Educational tools for big companies
It makes your job easy while you are busy training the staff or providing tips to clients. With Cincopa you can display educational content directly via stand-alone video/audio players and slideshows or embed them on your website. You can add categories and customize controls to provide the exact experience you want. You can even allow your audience to download content if they need to access the materials offline.
Branding tools for business
Present your company effectively Cincopa offers the biggest collection of ready-to-use design solutions for enterprise video hosting. Create a stunning web page about your team and add custom branding with a logo or watermark to your multimedia assets for stronger brand exposure.
Maximizing traffic tools
Get more web traffic, increase audience engagement and transform website visitors into new customers. Cincopa provides everything you may need for that: built-in analytics, SEO fields, social sharing buttons, Google Analytics integration, and email collection tools. Also, it’s easy to protect your content from copyright violation — simply turn on the ‘Right Click Protection’ feature!