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How Leidos Leverages Cincopa for Enhanced Visibility and Engagement

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Leidos Leverages Cincopa for Enhanced Visibility and Engagement.

A powerhouse in providing services and solutions in defense, intelligence, civil and health markets harnesses the power of Cincopa to redefine it’s approach to content centralization, organization, and analytics.

Leidos Leverages Cincopa to Boost Visibility and Engagement

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and e-learning, innovative solutions that streamline content management and enhance user engagement are crucial for staying ahead. Leidos, a powerhouse in providing services and solutions in defense, intelligence, civil, and health markets, has harnessed the capabilities of Cincopa, a leading multimedia platform, to redefine its approach to content centralization, organization, and analytics. With over six years of partnership, the story of Leidos and Cincopa offers insightful takeaways on leveraging digital tools for marketing, e-learning, and beyond.

Centralizing Multimedia Content with Cincopa

Leidos’ Senior Multimedia Producer, Dora Tzotchevska, has been at the forefront of producing engaging e-learning and marketing videos. Given the critical role of Leidos’ CRM product across federal, state, and local government agencies—including pivotal institutions like the House of Congress and the White House—the need for an efficient, versatile platform to manage multimedia content was paramount.

Cincopa emerged as the ideal solution, offering unmatched versatility not just in functionality but also in pricing. Unlike competitors such as Vimeo, YouTube, and various Adobe products, Cincopa provides a suite of tools that include video editing, subtitles, chapter creation, and an extensive array of templates for videos and images. This versatility has been instrumental in enhancing the attractiveness and visibility of Leidos’ products.

Gaining Insights with Cincopa Analytics

Cincopa's analytics and heatmaps

Before Cincopa, Leidos relied on platforms like YouTube, which, despite their widespread use, fell short in delivering the depth of analytics required by Leidos. Cincopa’s analytics capabilities have enabled Leidos to delve into detailed insights on video engagement, vastly improving their understanding of how content is consumed.

Enhancing Distribution and Security with CincoTube

CincoTube is a video portal for business

The introduction of CincoTube, Cincopa’s all-in-one video platform, marked a significant milestone for Leidos. With three dedicated channels for marketing, e-learning, and training, CincoTube has significantly reduced clutter and unwanted ads, allowing for a customized, brand-aligned experience on Leidos’ website.

Moreover, CincoTube’s robust security features have given Leidos peace of mind, ensuring that internal videos remain confidential and secure—a critical consideration for a company of Leidos’ scale and reach.

Streamlining Departmental Collaboration

As Leidos expanded its use of Cincopa and CincoTube across various departments, the platforms facilitated the segmentation of products into distinct categories such as sales, marketing, and training. This segmentation has not only centralized all assets into one platform but also minimized clutter and improved searchability and visibility.

CincoTube’s customizable nature has allowed Leidos to present its products in an eye-catching, distinctive manner, setting them apart from competitors. Additionally, the platform’s capability to share website links and attachments directly through videos has enhanced user engagement and reduced the need for unnecessary navigation.

Watch the full interview

Looking Ahead: Leidos and Cincopa

Dora Tzotchevska’s testimony underscores Leidos’ satisfaction with Cincopa and its intention to continue leveraging the platform for future multimedia solutions. The ease of use, coupled with the efficiency in managing and presenting multimedia content, has positioned Cincopa as an indispensable tool for Leidos.

The success story of Leidos and Cincopa is a testament to the power of innovative digital solutions in enhancing marketing and e-learning initiatives. By centralizing content, gaining actionable insights through analytics, enhancing security, and providing a customizable, brand-aligned platform, Cincopa has helped Leidos increase visibility, engagement, and ultimately, success in their digital endeavors.

Originally published on March 25th, 2024
The Blog

How Leidos Leverages Cincopa for Enhanced Visibility and Engagement

by Emma Caputo time to read: 2 min