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How to Share Video Assets From Chrome Extension

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Online video sharing is not as difficult as it used to be because there are now tools and apps that make it easy.

Share your videos with ease with Cincopa mobile share app

A Chrome extension allows you to quickly access various options, such as being able to record and share videos directly from the web browser.

The Rectrace chrome extension also gives you easy access to your existing library. It is always important to make sure the extensions you install are from official repositories, like the Chrome web store, so you know they are legitimate and safe to use. 

Sharing video assets should be easy

When you think about the size of your video files, you know you can’t share the video by emailing them and it is also not possible to host large size videos on your website because hosting videos directly on the website will slow it down.

There are various reasons why it makes sense to use online video hosting platforms.

A platform that offers Digital Asset Management (DAM) makes organizing and storing your videos much easier, which makes videos easy to find when you want to share a specific video. 

Professional video hosting services will do much of the hard work for you to prepare your videos for sharing.

Video hosting platforms will encode and compress your videos and make sure they’re viewable on a variety of screens. These platforms  have the technology and networks to deliver your videos in many places at once and no matter where someone views your videos or how many people watch at the same time.

Your videos will load quickly and look good on all screens when you use a video hosting platform. 

Using a Chrome extension allows you to easily copy a video embed code without having to open up a settings page and you can then share your videos anywhere on the web. Unlike with YouTube videos, where you see controls and unattractive settings, Cincopa’s chrome extension allows you to have full control.

Learn to share your asynchronous video with Chrome Extension

Videos produced and shared for asynchronous communication offers various benefits to online course platforms. Teachers can put in extra effort to produce high quality videos for asynchronous delivered online course, resulting in greater output from their students.

Asynchronous video is different from live streaming as it does not happen in real-time.

You can make a screencast or screen recording with asynchronous screen recording that people can view at a later time. If communication is crucial for your business’s success, asynchronous video communication is integral to it.

Asynchronous videos are flexible to produce and more focused than producing and broadcasting a video live. 

RecTrace, a video screen recorder extension for Chrome from Cincopa, allows you to record videos on any system while using the Chrome browser.

How does RecTrace work?

Install RecTrace and you can create your own personalized video for free.

The video screen recorder on Chrome extension is a great way to walk people through something visually on the screen. 

Once you’ve installed the RecTrace Chome Extension, click on the icon at the top of the screen.

You can record the current tab or screen and choose to appear on camera or have only your voice come through by disabling the webcam. 

You simply click on record and you can start your video.

After a short countdown, you’re live and you can move the circle around to increase or decrease the size. 

Once you’re finished recording, you click on the RecTrace icon at the top of the Chrome tab.

After a short time, you will be able to see a preview page.

You can change the name of your video and click on the share icon in the bottom right-hand corner. This will give you the links you need to share your video via email and social media. 

You can enhance your videos with annotations, calls-to-action, chapters, SEO, and RecTrace optimizes them, so they look great on any screen. 

If you’re not a Cincopa user, you can still use RecTrace and your video will be uploaded to a feed. You will get a sharing page so you can share videos with anyone via a direct link.

If you want to have advanced video hosting and video asset management, you can always upgrade to a full Cincopa account.

How to share content from your library

Do you want to quickly share a video you’ve already recorded from wherever you are on the web?

You can see a summary of all your multimedia galleries embedded in the web page open in your browser tab on your current web page. 

Working from the Chrome browser, it is easy to find videos and use them for a variety of different purposes. If you have a video you want to check out quickly, you can drag it into Chrome and the browser will play the video.

Here are the reasons why it should be easy to share content from your video library:

  • When sales staff can easily use the right video from a library at the right stage of the buyer journey, they can move prospects forward. 
  • Marketers can share recordings, webinars, demos or any other type of video to promote new products and more. 
  • Development teams can collaborate more effectively when they can exchange visualized guides and reports. Sending recorded videos instead of emailing concerns or feedback to colleagues also enables better communication. 
  • Education and training are made easier by being able to easily share rich-media presentations, webinars, demos and more. It is also easy to integrate recorded videos with other platforms, such as an LMS platform.

How to leverage a landing page for your direct assets

Website code to create a landing page with video

A landing page is designed with a specific purpose in mind.

Landing page is where people ‘land’ when they click a CTA link in an email, on Google, or on a social media platform. When you can easily add videos to your landing page, they can capture attention and increase conversions.

RecTrace makes it easy to generate videos and share them on a landing page.

A landing page should have a good headline, text and videos to support selling points as well as a CTA.

Webcam footage recorded with RecTrace can build credibility because sales reps can look right at the screen and talk so the audience can look into their eyes and relate more to what they have to say. One-to-one video can be very effective in the early stage of the sales process, where the focus is on building trust. 

Marketing teams and customer support teams can also benefit from using landing pages.

If a product is a new one, an explainer video on a landing page can tell viewers what they need to know in a way that’s easily digestible. Support staff can share interactive how-to videos, demo videos, and step-by-step guides to offer a more user-friendly customer experience. 

Create a squeeze page with a video landing page

A squeeze page is designed specifically to ‘squeeze’ prospective customers into providing their email addresses.

Squeeze landing page are usually fairly short and the headline needs to state a clear outcome that people will get when they sign up. 

Some of the lead magnets that you can include on your squeeze page include things like eBooks, videos, templates, free courses or step-by-step case studies.

Again, RecTrace allows you to create a suitable lead magnet for your squeeze page.

You can use multiple opt-in forms on a squeeze page that give visitors more than one opportunity to subscribe.

Include an embedded form with a field for a giving name and an email address so visitors can take action without leaving the page. A strong call-to-action (CTA) on your page tells people exactly what to do. 

Social proof is a good way to get more conversions on your squeeze page and user testimonials are more effective if they are in video form. 

It’s a good idea to strip out any navigation on a squeeze page so there are no distractions and you give people only one option – to sign up.

Use an account site to share your video assets

Video hosting platform help in enhancing your videos and optimize your website

Businesses and enterprises that want to share and showcase their digital media assets often turn to digital asset management platforms.

Uploading videos to their accounts offer users the opportunity to click on an embed code and embed videos wherever they want to on the web. However, many people want to share media without having to embed it first.

This is particularly true when videos can solve an immediate problem or issue.

The Cincopa account site gives you the option of uploading your videos, clicking on Next and copying the embed code or clicking on Preview.

When you click on Preview, you go to your own account site, where your video files are waiting for you. 

Your account site can act as your very own landing page of sorts because you can customize it in a way that’s consistent with your brand. This feature helps if you want to show videos to prospective customers on the fly. 

You can also share your account site with new hires and team members.

Videos provide the perfect way to explain complex concepts and with account site you can control who has access to your account site by defining user credentials. 

How to use email to send any recording or VOD directly to your client without leaving your email account

Email can be composed with attractive features like video embed and interactive GIFs

You can share your videos easily via email without having to leave your email account. Use the Retrace Chrome extension to embed videos in your Outlook emails or your CRM

Personalized videos can be very powerful when you incorporate them into your email campaigns.

They can boost your click-through rates because they capture attention and recipients form a stronger connection with your brand. 

If you use a video hosting solution that integrates with your email marketing platform, you should have easy access to your video library and all the videos you’ve uploaded.

This makes it easy to find a video and insert it in an email. 

How to utilize GIF Codes directly from your extension 

You can easily add animated GIFs to your video hosting platform by converting them to video files.

Once you’ve completed the conversion, you can upload the new video file to your account, where it’s treated like a video.

This allows you to use GIF codes from the extension.

Find out whether your chosen platform allows you to automatically generate a GIF thumbnail and a link to a video. This can help to save you time.

Video Platform Solution with Video Asset Management (VAM)

One of the main benefits of online video hosting is that your videos can be made available in many different places and you have control over them from one place.

The use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) makes this possible as servers are distributed globally and cache content that viewers can receive from a server nearest to them. You can distribute your videos widely without any worries about the loss of quality and buffering. 

Here are the reasons to use a video hosting platform as a Video Asset Management (VAM) solution:

Digital asset management

When you can organize all your video assets, you are more likely to use them.

A video hosting platform must allow you to group, tag and sort them so customers and employees can find them.

Professional video hosting platforms allow you to do so much more when it comes to managing, storing, editing and sharing your videos with digital asset management (DAM)

Advanced Video Analytics

You will have access to advanced video analytics that show you details like who is watching your videos, where they’re watching from, how they engage with your videos, and which platform and device they use.

In-depth video analytics can give you insights that help to inform your future marketing campaigns. 

Enhanced security and protecting 

A secure video hosting site allows you to adjust your privacy settings and keep your video recordings safe in many different ways.

For instance, you can ensure that recordings are only shared with intended recipients by setting user permissions. Watermarks, passwords, encryption, and only allowing your videos on certain domains are other security features on offer. 

Customize your video player

Being able to customize a video player by adding your logo and adjusting colors helps you to promote your brand image.

You can even adjust the video controls to suit your viewers. 


If your video hosting platforms integrate with other applications you use, you can use video on many different channels.

Integrations with your customer relationship management (CRM) system or marketing automation platform (MAP) may help you to score your leads based on their video view time or automate your marketing. 


Using a Chrome extension makes it easy to record and share your video assets with Rectrace.

Being able to create and share videos from one platform using the Chrome extension saves you time which means you have time to create more videos. 

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Originally published on September 17th, 2023, updated on January 20th, 2024
The Blog

How to Share Video Assets From Chrome Extension

by Simi time to read: 9 min