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Product Updates : See What’s New at Cincopa [September 2023]

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Staying on top of the latest tools and trends is crucial to ensuring your content stands out from the crowd. That’s why we’ve been hard at work at Cincopa, releasing a range of new features over the past month to help you create more engaging and dynamic content for both CincoMedia and CincoTube – your all-in-one secure video arena. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow or enhance your audience’s viewing experience, we’ve got you covered!

September Banner

Smart-Search Subtitles is Here!

Cincopa’s Smart-Subtitle Search

Image of Cincopa's Smart Subtitle Search

Gone are the frustrating days of scrolling through your video library to find that video you were looking for. With Cincopa’s smart subtitle search, you’re able to type in a sentence or topic in the search bar and find all the videos in your library that talk about that specific topic! This feature is especially useful if you are looking for a specific speaker, or webinar! Check out the feature now! 


We also have some very exciting new features for our video-first platform CincoTube! CincoTube is a youtube-like video platform made for teams of all sizes, content creators and marketers allowing them to upload, enhance, publish and connect with their audience in one designated place! If you don’t have a CincoTube account, sign up for one now it’s free!


Put The Spotlight on Your Best Channels!

Star Your Channels

CincoTubes new star a channel feature

Let finding your favourite channels be a breeze with Cincotube’s new feature, star your channels. This new feature allows Cincotube users and audiences to find exactly what they’re looking for by ‘starring’ a channel and having it appear on their left menu. Starring channels is great for easy access to online courses, team engagement channels and more! Check out the new feature and start putting your favourite channels in the spotlight!


Upload More Than Just Video

Upload Files and Documents

CincoTube platform uploading documents to platform

Gone are the days of attaching documents in your comment sections, upload them directly to your channel for easy finding and accessibility. Cincotube now accepts pdfs, google documents and more for a more centralized feel to your Tube. With this new feature, HR departments can upload interviewee videos alongside their resumes and cover letters, marketing teams can use it to upload reports and sales teams can share files with prospects! The possibilities are endless, and security is maximized with public and private options on workspaces and channels. Check out the new feature now!


Make Your Workspaces Pop!

Add a Workspace Banner

CincoTube's platform banner upgrade on workspace

At Cincopa, we understand the importance of branding and this new feature is built for just that! Upload a banner to your Workspace to make your space feel more like you. Banners are important features to showcase your branding, promote events, or share important information that you want everyone to know! Check out this new feature now!

Share Content Like a Pro!

Share Content in CincoTube

Timecode sharing image closeupShare your content in a snap with a timecode directly from CincoTube with this new content sharing feature. This feature allows both admin users and viewers to effortlessly share content from a private channel with a wider or private audience. Whether your CincoTube site is public or internal, the Content Sharing feature lets you share securely with anyone.Check it out now!

That’s a wrap on our September update!

We hope this month strikes creativity and productivity within your teams and organizations. Get started today with our new features and product updates – you don’t want to miss out on these great tools that will help you get more out of your multimedia. Don’t have a CincoTube account? Join in on the video-action by signing up for free.

Call to action for feature release and product updates

Originally published on September 20th, 2023, updated on October 13th, 2023
The Blog

Product Updates : See What’s New at Cincopa [September 2023]

by Emma Caputo time to read: 2 min