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Is Video CMS the Next Big Thing? Prepare Your Enterprise for 2022

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More and more organizations are relying on video as a medium for communication because it allows them to connect with target audiences on an emotional level, resulting in more engagement.

The challenge for an enterprise is to create video content, process files, and deliver them in an optimal way to their target audience. 

Video Content Management System or Video CMS is the next evolution of CMS helping enterprises to grow their websites with the power of video

This is where Video CMS plays an important role for an organization to leverage the power of video to grow their website and content marketing strategy.

If your organization has a large video library, it’s important to select a good video content management system if you want to get the most out of your videos.

Content management systems (CMS) must allow for managing and storing video assets at scale and offer more computing power, storage and resources.

What is a video CMS?

Videos aren’t like other files and organizations need to find ways to manage them optimally and securely.

A video content management system (CMS) is built for the specific purpose of allowing organizations to centralize, manage and distribute their video assets online.

Video CMS is designed for easy access to video assets and is much like a video library where videos are all located in a central location and organized to make finding the videos you want to view easy. 

Growth of video consumption in the last decade – 2010 to 2020 

It’s hard to think back to the year 2010 when YouTube was only five years old.

According to ComScore, almost 183 million people watched online videos in May 2010.

Compare this with the number of people who watch online videos today. YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in monthly users today and probably many more who watch without signing up.

According to Facebook’s internal stats, viewers watch 100 million hours of video every day.

The last ten years from 2010 to 2020 have seen tremendous growth in online video consumption. Mobile technology improvements and broadband networks have made watching videos one of the most popular online activities. 

In 2018 the number of digital video views in the U.S. amounted to over 228 million viewers and this figure is projected to reach nearly 249 million viewers in 2022. 

According to an online video viewer survey across selected countries in August 2020, 27.2 percent of online viewers watched more than 10 hours of online video on a weekly basis. 

On average, viewers spend 2.6 more time on pages with videos than those without.

Viewers are accustomed to seeing concepts in action, which means they prefer videos to text and more than 75% of them view videos on mobile devices.

With the tremendous growth in video consumption, many organizations use videos for all kinds of purposes and without a way to manage them properly, they will drown in a sea of content.

Why does your organization need a video CMS?

With Video Tech improving decade on decade, video cms is the way for organization to grow year on year

Other management systems such as learning management systems (LMS), content management systems (CMS), and customer relationship management systems (CRM) are not designed solely for the purpose of managing videos.

For this reason, systems like LMS and CMS may not support all video file formats, often limiting video file sizes and creating problems with video streaming. This can instantly clog up your enterprise network and website, hampering user experience.

When it’s necessary to manage files with many simultaneous video streams, slides, interactive features and other elements, using the right video content management system is essential

Not all video CMSs are created equal. Some are better for beginner users with step-by-step instructions and platforms that are easy to navigate.

A professional-grade video hosting CMS is a better choice for more advanced video management with features like adaptive streaming, video chaptering, closed captioning, analytics and AI indexing. 

9 reasons why your organization needs a Video CMS –
  1. Easy Video Uploading and Automatic Video Transcoding
  2. Adaptive Bitrate Video Player
  3. Optimized Video Search Functionality
  4. Video Integration
  5. Customization & Video Personalization
  6. Video Analytics
  7. Video Security Features
  8. Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  9. Live Streaming
  10. Video-On-Demand (VOD)

1. Easy Video Uploading and Automatic Video Transcoding

Today, there are so many different video standards, codecs, etc. Every video file format and compression algorithm makes video management and performance more difficult. 

Using a video CMS means you can upload many videos in virtually any format.

The CMS automatically transcodes the videos, so the video screen size is right no matter what device viewers are using. This means you don’t have to do video conversions manually or worry about any of the more technical aspects of video delivery. 

2. Adaptive Bitrate Video Player

It is possible to stream videos using an adaptive bitrate video player, which means each viewer receives an optimal rendition of a stream based on their internet speed.

3. Optimized video search functionality – Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Finding a specific video from a collection of many means using a search function and how this works depends on the CMS you are using.

Video tagging with digital asset management (DAM) increases the visibility of video content across a team, department, or whole organization. Users can browse videos by tag or even subscribe to relevant tags to stay up to date.

Some systems do not have AI capabilities to offer fast in-video search or offer much capability for modifying and optimizing metadata. Finding a specific part in an hour-long video can be very difficult.

By using features such as video chaptering, users can access the information that is most important to them within a specific video. 

All the above features are available with a video hosting platform that offers a video cms.

4. Video Integration

When a video CMS is integrated with your LMS, CRM, CMS or company portal, it makes it easier to put video to work for your organization. 

5. Customization & Video Personalization

Customizing your video player’s logo, colors etc., enables it to fit with your brand image. You can also offer flexible playback options to viewers. 

6. Video Analytics

Get detailed reports on how viewers engage with all your videos.

See how they use, share, engage with and complete videos or drop off early. You can track video performance precisely and make adjustments where necessary to improve conversions. 

7. Video Security Features

It is important to keep private videos safe from unauthorized access and downloads.

You can leverage multi-layer video security features such as encryption to prevent unauthorized downloads and domain lock so videos can only be embedded on authorized domains.

Password protection and SSO are other security options and email paygates require viewers to provide email addresses in order to continue viewing the content in a secured area. 

8. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Video delivery is optimized with a content delivery network (CDN).

A CDN is a collection of globally distributed servers.

This means users can get fast, reliable content delivery of video without buffering, no matter where they are in the world. 

9. Live streaming

Live streaming changes the way businesses interact with consumers online. Using a video CMS means you can share high-quality videos and make use of unlimited bandwidth.

The biggest benefit of live streaming is that you can treat customers to real-time experiences which have immediacy and can create a sense of exclusivity at the same time.

Live streaming can help you to maintain an active online community which allows your brand to develop consumer trust. You can use live streaming for press releases, product demos and events. 

10. Video-on-demand (VOD)

VOD has many uses in the business world. It serves a different purpose to live streaming as users can watch content from any device at any time.

Projected growth of video in the next five years (2021 – 2025)

Track growth of your video with advanced video analytics offered by video hosting site

Each new generation has watched more online videos than the previous one. 

According to the “Global Digital Video Content Market 2021-2025” report, the global digital video content market is forecasted to grow by $327.19 billion during 2021-2025, progressing at a CAGR of over 14% during the forecasted period.

The increasing penetration of mobile devices and growing investment in communication network infrastructure in developing countries is driving the market growth of video consumption. 

The report identifies one of the prime drivers of digital video content market growth over the next five years to be the growing partnerships and acquisitions in the video-on-demand (VOD) market. 

According to the Digital Market Outlook, viewers in the pay-per-view segment of the VOD market will reach approximately 867 million by 2025.

In Cisco Systems’ annual report, they predict that internet-connected devices will more than triple population numbers by 2023. It forecasts that 70 percent of the world’s population will own mobile devices by then. 

The global live streaming services market is anticipated to rise significantly during the period between 2021 and 2025.

PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts video streaming to reach $94 billion by the end of 2025, which is up 60 percent. This figure includes spending on subscription and transactional video-on-demand. 

How will a video content management system help your enterprise grow?

With digital asset management and video asset management combined, enterprises can make the most of digital assets by using a video hosting platform

A good video CMS allows you to leverage the full potential of video marketing for your business. It is a must-have for numerous use cases, including marketing, internal and external communications and e-commerce.

The need to reach audiences with live and on-demand video is increasing all the time and using a secure, scalable video content management system can drive engagement, demand and revenue. 

Here are the reason why your organizations needs a video hosting platform with video CMS to help it grow –

Integrate with marketing automation platforms to make marketing more comprehensive

Many marketers spend their days on marketing automation platforms and they can use video very effectively when segmenting their audiences to send out targeted content and push leads down the marketing funnel.

With video CMS and video hosting platform, it is possible to natively integrate your video platform with marketing automation system like HubSpot or Mautic.

For example, it is easy to embed videos in emails when your email marketing system integrates with your video CMS. You can improve your marketing campaigns to boost your traffic and conversions. 

Score prospects and deliver the right video at the right time with Video Hosting

It may be helpful for marketers to segment viewers based on those who have watched most or all of a video or nudge others who have only watched part of a video to watch more. 

Teams can set up scoring rules whereby different video formats count differently. A long sales testimonial video may be worth more than a short sales video.

A prospect who views an entire video will score higher than one who only watches the first minute. 

As the scores of prospects grow, teams can tailor the types of content they receive. For example, prospects will want to watch explainer videos before they’re ready to watch demo videos.

This is all possible when a video content management system (Video CMS) integrates with a marketing automation system. 

Videos are readily available to be used by marketing teams with full control over your brand messages and security rights.

Inside of your CRM or marketing automation system, you will also be able to view reports and see valuable statistics. 

Good search capabilities to find videos easily with DAM

When videos are organized and grouped logically, teams and departments within an organization can easily find what they’re looking for.

Viewers can also easily find content and as related videos are grouped together, they can find videos similar to ones they’ve already watched with Digital Asset Management (DAM). This can keep them watching for longer, which can improve your search results.

It is important to know how to categorize videos in a way that makes the most sense for your business. Adding metadata to videos can help them to be found more easily.

Automatically adding closed captions to videos improves accessibility for viewers. 

When anyone within an organization finds it easy to access and share videos at any time for any purpose, it can have a significant impact on its growth. 

Video Monetization options 

Monetization options are important so you don’t have to struggle to make money with your video CMS options.

Pay-per-view support allows you to charge when a viewer watches a piece of your content. Subscription support allows subscribers to pay a set amount monthly or annually to have access to your content.

Advertising support with monetization means you can integrate sponsored advertising into your content.

Control over video content and how to share it with Video Hosting

Like any API, video API provides access to a specific type of service that can be built into an application. You have control over your content and how you share it.

For example, a video streaming API will include encoding, storage and delivery and a client-side API allows you to display video content to the user when you need to play back video in a browser or on a device. 

Identify how videos perform and how to improve them (video analytics)

When you have access to the right video metrics, you can identify which videos work and what they do best. If someone asks which videos you find most effective for marketing purposes, would you have an answer? 

By tracking views, click through rates and more with advanced video analytics, you can see which videos add to the customer journey, retain customers, generate leads etc.

Effective decision-making in an organization is based on video analytics as measuring in this way increases the return on investment (ROI). 

What is the conversion rate with video?

live streaming video production is easier to broadcast with a video hosting solution

A survey found that including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80 percent.

Why is the reason behind this? Video puts a face to your business and this leads your target audience to trust you so they convert faster. 

Online shoppers who view demo videos are nearly two times more likely to make a purchase than non-viewers.

Consumers are also four times more likely to watch a video about a product than read about it. 

Statistics state that the average conversion rate for websites with video is 4.8% versus 2.9% for sites without.

Studies show that millennials are a huge target market and video is the best way to reach them.

In fact, both millennials and Gen Z prefer to watch videos for information gathering and even for learning about new brands or products. They prefer explainer videos, product demos, and other videos to just reading text online. 

Since 2020, the expectations for brands to produce marketing videos have become much stronger.

Video gives consumers the opportunity to see how a product or service works in real life and whether it will suit their purposes. 

How long does it take to get a return on investment (ROI) with a video CMS?

If you want to invest in a video CMS, you want to know whether it will be worth the expense. Will it really help and what kind of investment can you expect on your investment? 

The ROI of video marketing is impressive and 89% of marketers state that using video improves their ROI.

The basic ROI calculation is that the benefit of your investment is divided by the cost of the investment. In order to improve your ROI, you either have to reduce your costs or increase your gains. 

Using a video CMS will definitely increase your gains which may be in the form of leads, customers, subscribers and revenue.

How long this will take can be a difficult question to answer as there are so many factors involved. You will need to measure video marketing analytics as a whole to determine this. 

The benefits of using a video CMS include spending far less time managing videos which give you more time to focus on other business-building activities. Deeper and more consistent engagement with videos produces more leads, sales, and therefore more revenue.

Workflows are more efficient and so teams are more agile and can offer faster content delivery with video CMS. Time isn’t wasted waiting for videos to upload and improved security offers more peace of mind. 


Success is about more than just creating great video content.

It is essential to find the right method to store, organize and monetize your content without having to rely on free video-streaming services like YouTube.

A strong content management system made specifically for videos enables you to control the distribution and monetization of the videos you create.

With the right video CMS, you can upload, sort, manage and distribute your video content to reach the most viewers and maximize your profits.

Originally published on November 20th, 2021, updated on February 17th, 2022
The Blog

Is Video CMS the Next Big Thing? Prepare Your Enterprise for 2022

by Simi time to read: 11 min