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Protect Your Videos With Video Asset Management

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Marketers who use videos assets regularly report that their inclusion makes consumers more likely to buy because they create an emotional connection with viewers.

Securing your video content investment with DRM Protection is important for long-term growth

The leads digital marketers to gain  more qualified from videos because videos present information about the company and its products in a way that viewers find easier to consume than text alone.

There are thousands of video assets being produced today and companies need to protect, organize, manage and distribute them to maximize their ROI.

What is Video Asset Management?

Video Asset Management (VAM) is a software solution to enhance, manage, collaborate and embed videos from  one VAM platform.

Video asset management (VAM) and digital asset management (DAM) are similar as they both help businesses to manage digital assets but they differ in the scope of assets they cover. DAM includes other digital assets in addition to videos, such as documents and photos, while VAM relates only to video.

Need for Video Asset Management (VAM)

Creating videos is only the first step towards using them to maximize ROI. You need to efficiently store, organize and manage your videos so you can decide what access each individual has and enable them to access the right videos at the right time.

Video requires high bandwidth and large storage capacity, which is why video asset management systems are so important.

Too often, it’s difficult for stakeholders to find the video content they need and when they do find it, the video assets not be in the right format, or there are many versions if the video with no indication of which one is the right one to use.

A good enterprise solution offers the management of video assets and allows anyone in a business to access videos easily when they need them and protect them from being accessed by others.

All the information about a video – date, length, size, description etc. makes it easier to organize many videos without having to re-watch content.

With the use of video asset management, it is possible to automate the use of powerful naming conventions, such as tags or metadata. The use of speech detection and object recognition helps with managing metadata and related workflows.

Intelligent management of a video library enhances the use of video in many different business areas, such as sales and marketing campaigns, employee onboarding and training, and creating a consistent customer experience.

Benefits of video asset management

Video asset management and Digital Asset management for Video on demand

  • Store, organize and manage all your video assets in a single, centralized enterprise video platform
  • Quickly and reliably share high volumes of video across multiple marketing channels and to any device without difficulty
  • Maximize your ROI by finding the right video at the right time and quickly find specific elements within the footage 
  • Make your sales and marketing teams more proficient as they can feed content to consumers based on where they are in the sales funnel and increase profitability
  • Easily find and edit video content
  • Measure the performance of your video content

Video Security: Why it matters in the long run

All assets used on the internet, including video assets, need to be secure. Videos may contain sensitive data and so they must be safely transmitted, stored and delivered.

Video hosting platforms often provide a series of video security mechanisms that offer end-to-end security.

Why does video security matter so much today?

Cybercrime is increasing

Cybercrime is growing all the time and as more workforces start working remotely, the need for adequate protection of video assets becomes even more necessary.

Content creators have to make sure sensitive information does not land in the wrong hands. This can be anything from personal customer data to a marketing strategy they don’t want competitors to see.

More regulations

There’s been a rise in regulations, such as GDPR, to keep user data private.

If any public-facing videos require sensitive data, such as racial origins, political or religious beliefs, healthcare and treatment data or information concerning sexual orientation, the video content must be secured against unauthorized access.

A lack of compliance with regulations can result in huge fines. Video asset management is crucial for ensuring compliance when handling private data and responding to data access requests.

Security threats affect brand reputation

Your video assets represent your brand and the statement it makes. A lot of time, effort and money goes into the production of videos and if they’re not protected, this could detract value from your business.

Even letting slip a small amount of customer data could seriously affect your brand reputation. The value of your video content to your brand will depend on your ability to control and manage it successfully.

Get the right people to watch your videos

It’s better for your videos to be seen by a targeted audience with some interest in your products or services than getting high view counts if this does not translate into more revenue for you.

You need to make sure your videos are seen by the right people and only those people. 

Employees need to share information safely

The information you share with your employees or that they share with one another is often confidential, such as project updates, campaign plans, code reviews etc. This is information you don’t want in the hands of your competitors.

If you don’t secure your videos, they could drive traffic to other websites than to yours. If someone else embeds one of your videos, they could profit from your traffic and conversions. 

Protect your video investment with Video Asset Management (VAM)

There are various ways to protect your videos, especially certain ones like onboarding videos, training videos, walkthrough videos, and troubleshooting videos.

You can keep your videos secure by controlling access with the following reliable security controls.

Password protection: Video hosting platforms usually allow you to password protect video. You can add a password to control who watches content and only authorized individuals or groups can view it.

In some cases, such as with online courses, students would have to pay before they could gain access.

Restrict access with permissions: You can also restrict access to videos and control how many users have access when you share. You can provide specific permissions to various users and restrict their access to a level you’re comfortable with. 

Prevent downloads: There are various ways to bypass security settings on browser-embedded videos, such as right-clicking and saving the media file. It is possible to disable a right-click menu to prevent downloads.

It is also possible for unauthorized users to access a browser’s source code and copy the path to the video file. A secure video hosting platform will hide the source code from users so they can’t access the file path. 

Use branding and watermarks: Preventing screen capturing is problematic but using branding and watermarks can prevent competitors from passing off your content as their own. 

Block unwanted traffic: Limiting a video’s audience will prevent any unauthorized users from accessing content. Domain whitelisting allows users to only embed a media player to a specific domain.

IP whitelisting of a range of IP addresses prevents users from accessing content based on their geographic location. Most IP addresses are limited to a specific network, so if you use IP whitelisting, you can make sure those watching your videos are doing so onsite at your location.

This is a way to make sure internal training videos aren’t leaked. 

Use Domain Lock to restrict video embedding: Domain lock is a security feature that restricts videos from being embedded on external websites.

When you enable this feature, it ensures that your video content is only accessible on the websites you enable. This provides a high level of video security when you want to restrict video embedding on third-party websites. Domain lock ensures that your content works for you alone. 

Proprietary video streaming: A proprietary video streaming protocol ensures that only a specific video player is able to decode the video stream from the server. Viewers cannot access your videos from other video players. 

Restrict viewer access with SSO (Single sign-on): This authentication process is a way to create an internal video content hub where users need to enter a username and password to get into a secure video portal. 

Additional measures: Make sure a video hosting platform fully complies with GDPR regulations and uses encryption for sensitive data, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

This tokenized security method acts as a buffer between browsers and servers to deliver video more securely. When used with Real-Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP) it’s the real deal for security.

Bottom line

Enterprise video asset management is essential for any company with a large number of employees, partners and stakeholders using a wide range of video content.

Video asset management (VAM) enables easy access and sharing of videos for many purposes, such as training employees and leading customers through the sales funnel.

It is very important to protect video assets because not doing so can have many serious consequences.

Smart video hosting platforms offer tools that enable you to secure your videos, such as using password-protected video, IP Whitelisting and Domain Lock. You can not only get peace of mind but turn your video security into a marketing advantage.


Originally published on September 30th, 2021, updated on September 12th, 2023
The Blog

Protect Your Videos With Video Asset Management

by Simi time to read: 6 min