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Strategies for Repurposing Video Content

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Image by Austin Distel on Unsplash

People love watching videos — so much that this content type accounts for 80 percent of all Internet traffic today. Imagine their reach if you could repurpose them across multiple platforms! As the pace of digital marketing picks up, video content repurposing has become a necessary strategy for content creators and businesses alike.  

Attention spans are shrinking, and platforms are evolving, making the ability to extract maximum value from a single video a game-changer. Repurposing video content not only optimizes the return on investment but also offers a sustainable solution to the challenge of consistently generating fresh material.  

This article will discuss the dynamics of repurposing video content and explore techniques, tools, and creative insights to amplify reach, engagement, and resonance in the increasingly competitive online world.  

Video Content Repurposing Explained

Video content repurposing is a marketing strategy involving videos in different formats or platforms. This process aims to maximize the reach and impact of the original content by tailoring it to different audiences and channels. 

Repurposing can involve:

  • creating shorter clips
  • teaser videos
  • GIFs
  • blog post summaries, or 
  • turning videos into podcasts

Benefits of video content repurposing

A repurposed corporate video production can offer several benefits, including broader reach and audience engagement. Content creators can effectively target different audience segments by adapting videos for various platforms, such as social media, websites, and emails. 

Repurposing also optimizes content’s longevity, as it remains relevant over time. It maximizes return on investment by extending the value of existing content. Repackaging videos into different formats, like short clips or blog posts, also caters to diverse preferences and consumption habits. This technique saves time and effort, promoting efficient content creation.  

Choosing the right formats and platforms 

Repurposing video content requires selecting the right formats and platforms, and it all begins with the target audience and campaign goals. When choosing formats, it’s essential to consider the message. An in-depth tutorial, for example, is excellent for an educational platform, while a shorter clip goes well with social media.  

Platform selection depends on audience behavior — YouTube for broad reach, LinkedIn for professional content, and TikTok for short and engaging videos. It’s wise to analyze the original video’s performance and prioritize platforms where the audience is most active. 

Optimizing content for each platform’s specifications ensures visual and auditory appeal, while regularly monitoring analytics helps marketers refine their methods and adapt to changing trends for maximum impact.

Five Ways To Strategically Repurpose Video Content 

The benefits of repurposing video content are clear, but not all repurposed videos perform as intended. If you’re planning to maximize your video marketing results, here are five proven tactics you can begin with:  

1. Social media videos on the company website 

Repurposing social media videos for your company website offers a clever way to leverage existing content and enrich your online presence. Initially designed for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, you can repackage these videos to engage website visitors effectively. 

Start by selecting videos that align with your website’s theme and audience. Trim or edit them to suit the context of your site while maintaining their core message. Optimize video formats for faster loading times and responsive design.

Adding captions or text overlays ensures accessibility and viewer engagement, even without sound. Embedding these videos within relevant blog posts, product pages, or landing pages enhances user experience and encourages prolonged site visits. 

Remember to include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) at the end of videos to guide visitors toward desired actions. By repurposing social media videos on your company website, you not only extend the content’s lifespan but also create a seamless cross-platform experience, fostering a cohesive brand narrative across your digital ecosystem.

2. Pinterest pins

Pinterest pins offer a creative avenue for repurposing video content into engaging visuals. By converting snippets of videos into eye-catching pins, brands and content creators can tap into Pinterest’s visual-focused platform to reach a broader audience. 

Pins can encapsulate the essence of longer videos, conveying key messages or showcasing products in a condensed format. This repurposing strategy capitalizes on Pinterest’s popularity as a discovery platform, enhancing visibility and driving traffic back to the original video content. Cleverly designed pins can spark curiosity and encourage users to explore the full video, thus maximizing the content’s impact. 

To effectively repurpose video content into pins, it’s essential to prioritize strong visuals, concise captions, and appropriate keywords. By transforming videos into pinnable content, marketers and creators can extend the lifespan of their material and make the most of Pinterest’s visual search and sharing features.

3. Testimonial ads                           

Converting videos into testimonial content is a convincing way to establish trust and demonstrate customer satisfaction. A good place to start is customer feedback or user-generated content (UGC) that aligns with the brand. This can be combined with meaningful quotes or clips that showcase the strengths of the product or service. 

When combined, these snippets form a coherent narrative about true-to-life consumer stories. To provide context and highlight important points, you can insert overlay text or before-and-after clips. 

Another great idea is combining different video formats, such as on-site shots and screen recordings, to make the content more appealing. The duration of these videos must be customized for the platforms to ensure the testimonials are shown in full. When produced successfully, testimonial videos from actual customers can increase potential new customers’ confidence in the brand and drive conversions.  

4. Interactive shoppable videos 

Interactive shoppable videos offer an innovative approach to repurposing video content by seamlessly blending entertainment with e-commerce. These videos allow viewers to engage directly with products showcased in the video, transforming passive viewership into an interactive shopping experience. 

Through clickable links, hotspots, and embedded purchase options, viewers can explore, learn about, and purchase products in real-time while watching the video. This repurposing approach not only enhances user engagement but also provides a direct path to conversion, making it an ideal tool for businesses aiming to drive sales. 

Interactive shoppable videos creatively repurpose existing video content by embedding product information, prices, and links within the video itself. This approach combines the storytelling power of video with the convenience of online shopping, making it effective for modern marketing and sales endeavors.

5. Instagram reels 

A recent Morgan Stanley report found that 74 percent of Instagram users use the platform’s Reels feature, marking a 5 percent jump from September 2022. This statistic makes repurposing for Reels a wise move for any content creator or marketer.

Repurposing videos for Instagram Reels presents an excellent opportunity to captivate a wider audience and amplify your content’s impact. Start by identifying your most engaging and relevant longer videos. Condense the essence of these videos into bite-sized, attention-grabbing clips that align with Reels’ fast-paced, entertaining format.

You can also leverage trending sounds, challenges, and visual effects to enhance your Reels’ appeal and virality. Keep the messaging concise and visually appealing to quickly convey your key message. Since Reels are designed to be discovered by new audiences, ensure your content is both entertaining and informative, leaving viewers intrigued and motivated to explore further.

Remember to include relevant hashtags and engaging captions to increase discoverability and engagement. To maximize the reach of your repurposed videos, post consistently and interact with comments and engagement from your audience. By repurposing videos for Instagram Reels, you tap into a dynamic platform, fostering brand awareness and potentially driving traffic to your main content channels.   

Boost Your Videos’ Marketing Power Through Repurposing 

A recent study by Wyzowl found that 91 percent of consumers wish to see more online video content from brands this year. The power of video marketing is a given, but repurposing video content takes a campaign to the next level. Not only does repurposing optimize return on investment, but it also addresses the challenge of consistently generating fresh content. 

From adapting videos for the company website to creating interactive shoppable experiences, repurposing video content empowers businesses to connect with audiences innovatively. The result is a fusion of creativity and intent that fosters brand resonance and drives conversions.

Originally published on November 20th, 2023
The Blog

Strategies for Repurposing Video Content

by Leah Wilson time to read: 5 min