Video inventory business is on the rise, a way of gaining a steady income flow with a minimum investment of time and money.
There are many reasons why individuals and business need video inventories, natural disasters, theft, vandalism, and fire are the four most popular.
And in order to get started, you would only need a video camera and a video platform to support and help handle the images that are about to set you on the track of video inventory business.
Who needs video inventory services?
A good starting point when looking for clients is insurance agents. They are required by the various insurance companies they work with to submit visual documentation when writing a policy.
Also landlords and real estate agencies, who lose big sums of money a year in adjudicated cases over deposit disputes with tenants. Most of them don´t even think of pursuing a claim for damages as they know they don’t have any substantiated evidence. Unless there is a previous video inventory that documents the property…
How to film for inventory?
Whatever the case, it is always a good idea to start with a wide shot, only when the place –room, building- is established, they will come close ups of all the details that should be inventoried. The objects should be shot from different angles and if they have serial numbers they should always be documented.
And while filming, a narrator, ideally the owner, should be explaining in detail when the item was purchased, from who, what was the price, etc.,
How to archive your video?
Through specialized multimedia platforms, the archiving process is no longer messy and time-consuming. This right minute we are seeing how video platforms are offering this super new service in order to give publishers and broadcasters insights and the controls needed to achieve comprehensive inventory material, making it easy to upload as well as to view.
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