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  3. Billing profile to view Invoices and manage Credit Cards
  1. Help
  2. Billing
  3. Billing profile to view Invoices and manage Credit Cards
  1. Help
  2. Account
  3. Billing profile to view Invoices and manage Credit Cards

Billing profile to view Invoices and manage Credit Cards

In the Billing section, you will be able to view your account Subscriptions and Invoices as well as manage your Credit cards 

How to access Billing profile

To start, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of the home page and then select Billing

OR click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of the home page and then select Account Dashboard and navigate to the Billing option in the menu.


The subscriptions section holds your current and historical plans correlated to the methods of payment that you have entered.  Let’s go over the columns:

Product:  purchased plan name

Amount: purchased plan price

Status: your plan status

Method: the payment method that was used to pay for the subscription. This will list all the credit card or PayPal account history

Frequency: it depends on the purchased plan, can be monthly or annual

Next Charge: lists the date of the upcoming charge


The Invoices section will list all your invoices paid with a credit card or using a PayPal account.

Let us drill down on the different invoice columns :

Created Date: the date invoice was created

Due Date: the date invoice payment received

Product:  purchased plan name

Amount: purchased plan price

Status: your plan status

How to manage your credit card?

At any time an account owner can view or update the credit card assigned to the account.

Selecting the Manage button next to the corresponding credit card will take you to the Stripe screen where you can update the credit card information.

Click here for more details on how to change your credit card

View Invoice

At any time an account owner can view historical invoices.

Selecting the View Invoice button near the corresponding invoice will take you to the invoice details screen where you can view the invoice details and download the invoice or the payment receipt.

View invoice and payment details link can be clicked to view the invoice and payment details.

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