In this guide we will cover how to change credit cards for current credit card payments
To start, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of the home page and then select Account Dashboard
A menu will pop up and you will want to select the Billing option. Once this screen is displayed select the Manage button.
Selecting the Manage button will take you to the Blue Snap screen displayed below.
Go to the Active Subscription section and select the Change link in the Payment Method column
On the Credit Card Information screen, you can select a different credit card from a drop-down list (if multiple payment methods have been added) or select the ‘Use a New Card’ link to add a new payment method.
***DON’T forget to click ‘Submit’ once completed!***
NOTE: Billing section is available for paying customers with credit card only, if you’re looking to cancel a plan or package from Paypal please follow these steps