1. Help
  2. Billing
  3. Cancel Account Subscription paid using a Credit Card
  1. Help
  2. Account
  3. Cancel Account Subscription paid using a Credit Card

Cancel Account Subscription paid using a Credit Card

If you have a monthly or a yearly recurring subscription and you cancel your subscription in the middle of the subscription, your subscription will be canceled immediately.

NOTE:  To cancel a package you need to follow the exact same steps as cancelling the plan. Billing section is only available for customers paying with a credit card. If you are looking to cancel a plan or package paid via Paypal, please follow the steps provided in this article.

Steps for cancelling Cincopa Credit Card subscription:

1. From the Dashboard screen, select Billing or hover on your account thumbnail from the top right menu and click Billing.

2. Click the Manage button besides the subscription you would like to cancel.

3. On the BlueSnap page that shows up, click on the Change button under the Status column.

4.  On the window that pops up, fill in a cancellation reason and click on the Cancel Subscription button.

The page will refresh and you’ll notice that there are no records now under ‘Active Subscriptions’.

On the Dashboard > Billing page, the subscription will show up as Cancelled.

You will also get notified via email about your subscription cancellation.

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