1. Help
  2. Billing
  3. Deactivate your Cincopa account
  1. Help
  2. Account
  3. Deactivate your Cincopa account

Deactivate your Cincopa account

If you decide that Cincopa doesn’t fit your needs, you can deactivate your account at any time.

Please note:

  • Account restoration is not possible once you deactivate your account
  • There are no refunds for the remaining portion of the subscription period.
  • If this is a premium subscription account you should first cancel your subscription.

To deactivate your account, follow these steps:

  1. From the Dashboard screen, select User Profile or hover on account thumbnail from the top right menu and click User Profile.
  2. From the User Profile screen, click on Account Deactivation link.
  3. On the screen that appears, feel free to let us know why you are leaving and what we can do to improve Cincopa by clicking on the Tell Us link.
  4. To confirm your intention to deactivate your account, click on the ‘OK fine! Deactivate my account!‘ button.


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