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Generate Leads through Automated marketing

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Marketing automation is transforming the way companies and marketers use their tools to identify and convert leads into customers. Today’s enterprises operate in a global market that is huge on opportunities but equally huge on challenges, keeping marketing teams on the edge. Conversion has also become difficult due to the many businesses competing on for attention online. The usual lead generation methods are no longer effective and if they are, the cost per lead will be much more than you stand to gain from the sale. This has brought in the need for automated marketing which is much more effective than other methods.


Marketing Tools

For videos that click.

No matter what you are selling, you will need to prepare normal marketing materials like articles, videos, infographics, e-books and much more, release them into the most likely places and wait for leads. This is tedious and the results are not guaranteed. With the use of an automated marketing campaign, you can let your staff do the hard work of preparing the materials and coming up with the business strategy, while the automated system scrapes through the internet to get you customers. Here are some of the key benefits your business can accrue from online marketing automation tools.

Video Marketing

First, you know that business video marketing is the most effective method of marketing today. Advertisers are raking in billions of dollars sending out videos online thorough established channels and search engines because internet users love video content as it is more entertaining and easy to watch than reading of black and white text. The best video will never get leads if it does not get to the right people. For example, at Cincopa, the video marketing account is integrated with ‘marketo’ which through their system of lead scoring will ensure the videos are going to the hottest leads. The videos are also presented in the best skins to offer the best digital body language that is necessary to get viewers interested and engaged to the place of ‘call to action’.

Speed is of senescence in marketing; your product has to be in the eye of the potential customer when they need it most. Wrong timing means lost opportunities and lost marketing costs. Using technology an automated marketing system with the right tools will identify the best place to post your videos and do it at the right time. Sometimes your product will be brought because it was the first to be presented to the buyer and this becomes an opportunity for repeat business and referrals.

Another benefit of automated marketing is better coordination between the sales and marketing team of your business. Lead prospecting, identification and nurturing can be a tedious process when not well managed. With automation, your sales and marketing efforts will be interlinked such that there is no loss of leads due to poor nurturing. It also increases efficiency by directing the best efforts to the highest potential clients based on automated analytics. These are the tools that will give any business a competitive advantage and ensure a good ROI.

With the Cincopa automated video marketing account analytics, you will have all the information you need to make decisions on the different aspects of the marketing campaign. Besides tracking the viewer behavior, it also keeps information on their particular details including location and time. It gives you complete control of your marketing process and this will help you know here to invest more, what to change and when o scale up or down.

Online lead generation is the way to go to launch new businesses and to grow existing ones. The basics of marketing have not changed much but the delivery methods have shifted and you need to be smart and very fast to capture the customers in your niche.

Cincopa lead generator

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Originally published on September 7th, 2016, updated on April 30th, 2019
The Blog

Generate Leads through Automated marketing

by Nicoleta Halaciuga time to read: 3 min