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How Can Interactive Video Content Help Your Internal Communications?

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Interactive video content can be highly effective for organizations. It can enhance employee engagement, team collaboration, corporate training, and more.

It’s essential to have a sound internal communication strategy to enable all managers, departments, and teams to collaborate across the board. 

What is interactive video content?

There isn’t much that users can do to interact with the linear video. Interactive video content is different. It allows users to engage with content within the video actively. With interactive video content, a viewer can click, hover, drag, or complete other digital actions.

  • Hot spots are clickable areas within a video. They allow viewers to activate and drive a range of actions from any screen or item in the video. 
  • In video search: Enhancing videos post-production enables them to become more searchable. With an in-video search, employees can easily find what they’re looking for from a range of videos. Chaptering helps them to go directly to a specific chapter in a video, and smart search means they can even go to a specific paragraph or phrase. 
  • Annotations Provide your viewers with further details and engagements without interrupting the video. Let them have a dedicated URL and pure messages
  • A call-to-action (CTA) in a video persuades a user to take a particular action, such as downloading an eBook or requesting a demo. CTAs are frequently seen in video marketing. 
  • Branches are different paths viewers can take to customize the content they see. Viewers get several choices on a screen, and they must choose one. 
  • Data input forms allow viewers to enter information such as name, age, etc. ‘Gating’ certain content means viewers must complete a form to access it. This is a common practice in video marketing. 
  • Quizzes can make e-learning much more exciting. Viewers can assess their message retention and where they may need to revisit information. 
  • Surveys allow customers to give feedback which can help to improve video content. 

Why use interactive video content?

  • More engaging: Interactive video content gets more employee engagement than static content. Viewers have an active role to play rather than just watching passively. They are less likely to get bored or distracted when they have to interact with content. Better engagement enhances team productivity. 
  • Higher conversion rates are possible when a video is interactive. According to research, interactive video has a click-through rate of around 11%. This is high compared with the click-through rate on Google Ads or YouTube annotations, which is less than 1%. 
  • Personalization: Adding features such as video quizzes or surveys can deliver a more personalized experience. 
  • Better data collection: Without data to show a correlation between video activity and conversions, it’s difficult to prove the impact of a video. Interactive video tools allow for tracking how and when viewers interact with videos. Tracking the clicks within a video or collecting data from input forms etc., is more revealing than other metrics, such as view rates. 
  • Feedback and assessments: When using videos for training and education, asking and answering questions can help with employee engagement. Gaining feedback from employees can help with improving videos. Any two-way communication is more effective than when it’s one-way. 

Employee engagement is essential when it comes to internal communication, and interactive video provides a way to create a higher level of engagement. 

How does interactive video content help with internal communications?

Interactive videos provide a powerful way to enhance internal communications. They can help to establish and support the organization’s culture. All communications, including video marketing, become more personal and relevant. Employee engagement in corporate training is higher. There’s more message retention when it comes to online enterprise video learning. There’s a shared understanding of corporate goals and a way to discuss and share ideas. 

At a time when many more employees are working remotely, interactive videos can help to bridge the gap. Asynchronous video messages allow remote for remote team collaboration. Video voicemails, video calls, and company-wide live streams help to make remote workers feel more connected with colleagues and enhance team collaboration. 

Achieving an effective internal communication plan requires connecting departments, managers, and employees and aligning them with the company mission and daily tasks. Here are some types of internal videos that can benefit from being interactive. 

Recruitment videos

Recruitment videos show potential employees what it’s like to work at a company or give information about the company and the opportunities it offers. They can bring in more qualified employees that can enhance team productivity. Organizations can ask questions in a recruitment video that helps them see if a candidate is the right fit. They can even add a job application form to the video. 

Company culture videos

Organizational culture videos showcase mission, personality, and values. A positive organizational culture increases employee retention and improves overall team collaboration and productivity. Employees are central to the organization’s culture, and interactive videos can help to promote this because they are more invested and can take action. 

Adding subtitles and closed captions to organizational culture videos can make them accessible to a more diverse group of people. Organizations may want to recruit candidates who speak different languages and become more diverse. 

Onboarding videos

It can be challenging to train and educate new employees. Online enterprise video learning using interactive content provides the perfect way for new employees to get up to speed. They can learn everything they need to know when starting a job at a company. This helps them to add to team productivity instead of hindering it. 

Videos with answers to frequently asked questions can be very helpful. Quizzes can help new employees with message retention. They can see what they understand and where they have gaps in their knowledge. 

Corporate training videos

Rather than having to go through tedious text documents, short and interactive online enterprise video learning can help employees to absorb content quickly and make learning fun. Links in a short video could lead employers to further online enterprise video learning, such as learning more about video marketing or sales. This can help them to enhance marketing or sales team productivity. 

To improve message retention, quizzes can help employees to test their knowledge. 

Chaptering corporate training videos can make learning more efficient. Employees can skip information they already know and review chapters where necessary. 

Branching in corporate training videos can clearly explain why an answer is right or wrong and guide an employee to the correct choice. 

Hosting corporate training content on one easily accessible platform turns it into an evergreen video-on-demand (VOD) resource that employees can consult repeatedly

Announcements and updated videos

The video provides a way to make announcements and give minor updates.
This helps to prevent unnecessary meetings that take up time while keeping employees up to date with the latest news.
Enabling likes and comments allows employees to ask questions or leave comments. Creating surveys can help to involve employees in corporate conversations, which enhances organization culture, keeps everyone on the same page and promotes team collaboration. 

Messages from the CEO

A source of employee dissatisfaction can be a feeling of being disconnected from those higher up the ladder. This can have a negative effect on organization culture. Regular video-based messages from a CEO can lead to more openness and transparency. For example, a talking head video can share excitement about an important new deal with employees. This can make them feel more involved. 

Livestreams of company meetings

Companies can broadcast town halls or standups to include a whole team, even when employees work remotely. When live streaming is interactive, it means employee engagement is higher. Employees can participate in live streams with questions, polls, votes etc. 

How Video Tube Helps with internal communications

Video hosting platform Cincopa makes it much easier to create, manage, deliver and measure interactive video content for internal use. When it is easy to create videos, add interactive elements and share them, employees are more empowered, and this encourages more team productivity. 

One-way communication from the top down doesn’t create an engaged workforce or facilitate message retention. Employees who feel heard are more likely to contribute to a team and stay with an employer. Dialogue is necessary between departments, leaders and teams, team members etc. Employees help to drive an organization forward, and without effective internal communication, they will have difficulty reaching their full potential. 

CincoTube facilitates internal communications and allows for online enterprise video learning. Communication and message retention between managers, departments and teams. 

Create a CIncoTube site

Users can create a CincoTube site from the dashboard of a Cincopa account and push video content to CincoTube. CincoTube allows enterprises to create their own channels for internal communication. They don’t have to worry about sensitive company information falling into the wrong hands. 

On CincoTube, employees have access to video assets they can use for many different forms of internal communication. Team leaders can create specific channels and only allow team members to access what they need. 

Teams can collaborate and enhance video assets in one place, which increases team productivity and reduces the chances of miscommunication. 

Digital workspaces for your Video Tube on your CincoTube

If an enterprise lacks internal organization, there will always be issues in every area, from video marketing to customer service. Departments and teams need to have ways to organize information – whether it’s information for a certain department or for the whole organization. One of the best ways to facilitate internal communications is with digital workspaces. 

A workspace on CincoTube is a virtual container with multiple channels. A channel is a virtual space to upload media assets. Users can subscribe to many channels, which can either be public or private.
Click Here to watch a short video that overviews all the User Permissions

  • Owners can add a workspace, add a channel and add content. They can remove content, invite users, and set roles. 
  • Admin can’t create a workspace, but within a workspace, they can add a channel, change a workspace name or delete a workspace. In a channel, they can add a video asset or remove one. They can change a channel’s name, description, and privacy. Admin can invite users as contributors and viewers to a workspace or channel. 
  • Contributors can add content and delete content but have no other access.
  • Viewers can only view videos and have no other access.

It’s important to provide employees with what they need to do their jobs well and to enhance team productivity. They should be able to access a wide variety of videos for different purposes easily, and yet they need to be organized in such a way that they are easy to find. 

If they need to find an HR video, they must know where to look. It should be readily available if they want to access corporate training material. If they want a refresher on how to make a presentation or improve their video marketing, the solution should be easy to find. CincoTube’s channels facilitate organization. 

Create interactive videos on CincoTube.

Employees can create interactive content directly on a video while on CincoTube. They can record their screens, cameras, or both, share videos, and invite viewers to like, chat, or share them, similar to what people do on YouTube. Empowering viewers to interact with videos in this way creates more connections that can enhance team collaboration and productivity. 

Employees can enhance their internal videos in many different ways when using CincoTube. They can customize their video channels, create interactive videos and offer great video quality. They can also benefit from advanced analytics and multi-layered security. 


Internal communications teams face many challenges today that can affect team collaboration and productivity. The fact that many employees work remotely is one of the biggest ones. Interactive video content is one of the most powerful tools to help solve challenges.

It minimizes barriers to collaboration and delivers information in an engaging way that inspires action. The Cincopa video hosting and private video tube platform where organizations can create their own video tube make it easier than ever to leverage interactive video content to its full potential. 

Originally published on April 15th, 2023
The Blog

How Can Interactive Video Content Help Your Internal Communications?

by Simi time to read: 8 min