Table of Content

Introducing Shazoom – Personalized Video Recording & Sharing Tool For Sales

Table of Content is a free, personalized video-messaging tool for business.
Shazoom humanizes the sales process,  enabling salespeople to build relationships with target buyers and prospects.
Generate more meetings, speed up the sales cycle and close more deals, all through the power of personalized video.

Easily create personalized video messages, add additional collateral, and share them via email or social to increase your conversion rate 3X.

Track your personal video messages and get notified the second your target audience engages with your message.
That way, you can follow up on leads when they are hot!

Warming Up Your Out-Reach

Let’s be honest: Cold emails are brutal.

Robocalls, copy-and-paste, LinkedIn connections and cold email blasts have made it increasingly difficult to cut through the noise.
And if you are trying to break through to a B2B audience, relying on tired and stale methods will more than likely not yield the ROI you are looking for.

This is where personalized videos come into play.

Personalized videos enable you to reach out and properly connect with those hard-to-reach prospects and buyers.
Directly addressing his or her needs, personalized videos allow you to truly capture your prospect’s attention.
That way you can effectively pitch your awesome product or service.

It all started when we ran a prospecting campaign a few months ago using RecTrace (Cincopa’s screen and cam recorder).
The results were eye-opening:
Emails that included personalized videos saw a 140% higher click rate.


That’s why we created Shazoom – A free personalized video tool designed to up your outreach and sales initiatives.  

Shazoom Personalized Message


What can I do with Shazoom?

Easily Record your introduction, follow up, or thank you message on any device.

Customize your branded message to make that first impression count.

Share videos with prospects, customers or co-workers using email, social or any other channel.

Track: Get notified in real-time on views and follow up.


Integrate Shazoom with Your CRM

By integrating Shazoom with your CRM, you can record video presentations and demos.
Shazoom’s widget can be made available from any email software and sales CRM.

Shazoom - Talking over a Prospect's LinkedIn Page
Shazoom – talking over a prospect’s LinkedIn page


Shazoom Use Cases

Shazoom caters to sales, product marketing, account management, and customer success – helping you get heard and drive action.

Pitching Company Products & Services

Incorporate personalized video into your SDR process to speed up your email-to-demo or email-to-call conversion rates.

More Conversion with Inbound Leads

Finding yourself chasing down inbound leads over emails or phone calls? Stop writing off potential buyers as “soft losses” because they are playing hard to get.

With a personalized video introduction, you’ll be converting as much as 3X compared to a qualification call and demo.

Reaching Out to Potential Partners

Grow your partner channels with a quick video intro.
Grab potential partners’ attention by providing an immediate value proposition.

Upselling SaaS Customers

Customer Success managers are just as instrumental to revenue growth as sales team are. The latter bring in new business, while the former retain customers.

Connect with customers, create video presentation and share them over email, social and personal in-app, so they can watch at their leisure, and even share inside the organization.

Increase your upsell and educate customers regarding premium capabilities, new features and products, and how they relate to their use-case and business goals.

Sell More With Shazoom

Humanize your approach with the power of video

Originally published on September 15th, 2019, updated on November 14th, 2019
The Blog

Introducing Shazoom – Personalized Video Recording & Sharing Tool For Sales

by Tomer Iserovitch time to read: 2 min