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Cincopa Email Collector Feature

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I’ve been hearing this for a long time: “Email is dead.”

Well, actually no. Email is not dead. In fact, emails will probably be with us for a long while.

Of course, we do have other channels available for staying in contact with our audience(s). But sending someone an email is still one of the most effective ways to grab attention and earn response. Several recent studies have shown that email still outperforms all other forms of digital marketing.

At Cincopa, we are always developing new features to improve our products and to help our customers achieve the best possible user experience on their individual websites.

One of these new features is called the Email Collector, and it is going to revolutionize the way your Video and Email Marketing work together.

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Here’s how our Email Collector feature functions:

1. You create a video for your website or blog – no easy task, but here’s a great list of online video production tools to get you moving.

2. Once a visitor has finished watching your video, they will automatically be presented with an email signup form.

You can do this with your Cincopa videos! Now your visitors can easily signup to receive more information, future updates, subscribe to your newsletter – whatever the case – immediately after viewing your video. Awesome!

If you’re using MailChimp (and you should, we love these guys), Aweber, or any other email service… you are just seconds away from configuring the solution.

Simply create an email form, grab the URL from your email service provider and paste it in your Cincopa gallery wizard. The email form seamlessly integrates with your Cincopa Video and will be available for your visitors at the end of the video. Each email address collected is then automatically transferred to your email list. BAM!

You can also create a static HTML page and present it to your visitors once the video is done. This is a great way to show your marketing messages, call-to-actions, links to other pages, etc.


To help you through the technical configuration of this new feature, we’ve put together a handy how-to, here: How to Integrate Email Signup Forms in Cincopa Videos.

And if you love this new feature, you will be happy to know we are currently working on other related features, as well. Stay tuned!

Happy Email Marketing!

Tweet me for new ideas and suggestions: @liorlb


Originally published on January 8th, 2015, updated on March 17th, 2019
The Blog

Cincopa Email Collector Feature

by Lior Benderski time to read: 2 min