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Going Beyond YouTube: Alternative Video Platforms for Business 

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When it comes to reaching a wide audience, there is no better video platform than YouTube. It is the largest video-sharing platform by far with over 2.70 billion active users. Users consume one billion hours of videos on YouTube on a daily basis. 

However, businesses are still naively uploading their videos to YouTube without understanding the risks that they may be taking. There are drawbacks to using free video hosting platforms like YouTube. Your business could benefit from looking at alternative video platforms if you are serious about having total control over your videos.

The need for business-friendly video platforms

  • By hosting your videos on YouTube, your audience is going to a third-party site and not to your own website. Free video hosting websites drive traffic away from your website and you don’t get to experience the SEO benefits your videos can provide. YouTube’s main objective is to keep users on ITS platform. 
  • You have less control over your videos on YouTube and you are subject to its terms and conditions. Some users have experienced a banned video on YouTube and other negative experiences. 
  • YouTube’s practice of suggesting related videos while viewers are watching can drive them away from your video content and into the hands of your competitors. 
  • YouTube also has limited brand customization options. You can’t customize your video player and viewers see the YouTube logo instead of your business logo. You have no control over what viewers watch next. 
  • One of the reasons why it’s risky to use YouTube is that your valuable video content is easy to steal and reuse. It’s not the best place for hosting private, confidential information due to YouTube’s limited video privacy and security options. 
  • Video analytics are available on YouTube but they are fairly surface level. You can’t get in-depth insights into the actions viewers take on your videos. This means you are unsure of how you can improve them. 

These reasons are why there is a need for business-friendly video hosting platforms. They allow businesses to upload, host, and manage their videos without the worry of data breaches or video theft. A corporate video portal will offer customization options, security, advanced analytics, and much more. Here are some of the main reasons why certain businesses need a business-friendly video platform or video portal. 


  • Security
  • Publishing media
  • Communicating with internal teams 
  • Training

Online course providers 

  • Private student portals
  • Engagement tools
  • Centralized platform
  • Analytics 

Digital content creators 

  • Engage with the audience
  • Video website to collaborate with partners 

CincoTube by Cincopa

Cincopa is an enterprise video hosting platform that offers an alternative to YouTube. CincoTube is a corporate video tube that offers many benefits that your business doesn’t have when using YouTube. It is a great solution for both internal and external communication. No matter what type of organization you are – enterprise, online educator, or content creator – you can use video tube in a way that suits you. 

You have complete control over your video assets and you can organize them in such a way that makes communication and collaboration easy. The ability to create workspaces and video channels with public and private access makes this possible. 

There are many ways to organize and share video and other assets with your own corporate videotube. Corporate video tube allows your organization to make the most of its digital assets. Town halls, webinars, marketing videos, or management meetings are all accommodated when using your own video tube.

Key features of CincoTube 

CincoTube empowers communication and collaboration within a secure arena. Users can create their own secure, personalized spaces for uploading and sharing digital assets. 

  • CincoTube allows for five different types of users. A video tube owner can create workspaces. The admin/moderator can invite users and approve content. Administrators can build their own channels. A contributor can upload content. Viewer users can like, comment on, and share content. Anonymous users can watch and share content on videotube.
  • Collaboration on projects is easy as you can invite contributors to join your space and share content. You can invite other users, clients, and colleagues to be contributors. Contributors can register and log in using their own internal credentials. 
  • Public and private video channels. On private video channels, employees have access to video assets in a way that’s safe, secure, and free of distractions. Public channels are free to access by unauthorized users and invites can be given to watch videos. 
  • Many ways to upload videos: CincoTube offers various ways to upload video, audio, and images to channels. You can drag and drop video content into a channel. You can also add videos from your YouTube or Vimeo account by adding a URL link. Connect a Zoom account to a channel and share meetings with a secure link. You can also transfer videos from one Cincopa account to another.
  • Record videos: Teams can record their screens with video or without directly from their channel. They can then share them with colleagues, clients, or anonymous viewers. They can make content public or private depending on who they share it with. 
  • Strong video tube permission settings allow you to control who has access to content and ensure that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
  • Customization options ensure that channels reflect your brand image. You can customize video players, thumbnails, and more. Choose the color, controls, size, and how to position a video player on a web page without having any coding knowledge. 
  • Video-on-demand (VOD), live streaming, and linear TV options are available. Teams can choose when, where, and how they want to use each type. They can live stream private events or pre-record them as linear TV. They can save live streams, add on-video features, and create a library of videos for employee training. 
  • On-video features: You can add enhancements to videos directly from your Tube to help with engagement and marketing. Use eye-catching calls-to-action on videos. Add chapters, close captions, or multiple audio languages. Make use of Interactive annotations to increase engagement.  
  • Video privacy and security come with security measures like advanced encryption technology. Strong passwords and two-factor authentication are further protective measures. SSO, domain lock, and whitelisting are some of the other security measures you can use to protect video content from unauthorized use. Right-click protection makes sure no one can copy a video’s embed code.  
  • Advanced analytics help you track your audience down to the individual user. You can understand how videos are performed publically or within a team. Monitor clients, prospects, teams, or students and use insights to make data-driven improvements to your assets.  

You can see exactly who watched which videos, the type of device used, how much of the video was watched, and where it was watched. Features like heatmaps show you the performance of a video within a designated time frame. Based on all this data, you will understand what makes the best type of videos for specific audiences. If viewership drops at a key moment, you may have to rethink the content. 

Choosing the right video platform for your business 

There are many different video hosting platforms to choose from. It can be hard to make the right choice. Some of the main uses of video for business include: 

  • Sales and marketing
  • Hosting virtual events
  • Conferences and webinars
  • Onboarding
  • Internal training 

Your business is likely to have videos specifically for public consumption and others containing confidential business information that you want to ensure are secure. The right video platform will offer options for sharing videos internally and externally. It will also offer ways to protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.  

Internal sharing: An internal portal for sharing videos is necessary for departments and teams to collaborate and share their proficiencies. It is also necessary for onboarding of new employees and training of current ones. There’s a need to share recorded meetings and other business communications in a safe, secure way. For every video, owners using an internal portal should be able to select viewer permissions and choose which person or group can view content.  

External sharing: Your business also needs to share videos externally. An external portal allows you to share videos such as brand awareness videos or product demos. Sharing marketing videos of this nature with the general public is important. They need to reach a wide audience so they can generate traffic and leads.  

API access: A video streaming API means you can make customizations to a video platform. A player API allows you to customize the video player. If the video hosting platform offers an HTML 5 video player, it is universally compatible and easy to customize. You should be able to set it up to reflect your branding and embed it on your website with a few clicks.  

On-video features: Your video platform should offer ways to help you with marketing and sales. For example, you should be able to add calls-to-action and contact forms to your videos. B2B marketers need a B2B video platform that allows them to generate leads they can convert.  

Live streams and video-on-demand: A video hosting platform should make it possible for your business to host both live streams and VOD content. A corporate video portal should offer transcoding to convert audio or video files from one format to another. This ensures that viewers using different internet speeds can stream video on any device without buffering. If you live stream webinars, conferences, etc. it’s valuable to have the ability to automatically record a stream and convert it into a VOD file.  

Privacy and security features: When sharing training or internal meeting videos, it’s essential to keep them out of the wrong hands. Security features such as SSO, domain lock, and AES encryption can ensure internal corporate videos stay safe. You may need to use some of these security and video privacy features if you want to monetize content. B2B marketers should be able to benefit from the security and privacy features of their B2B video platform.  

Analytics: A video hosting platform should offer the type of analytics that gives you in-depth insight into how viewers engage with videos. This is the only way to find out how well they are performing and where you need to make changes. A B2B video platform should allow B2B marketers to award leads with points according to how they engage with videos. 

Customer support: A customer portal allows customers to interact with your internal teams such as your support team. They can submit their requests for support and access help videos etc. In a customer or client portal, they can find quick answers to common questions and view information such as product updates. Instead of looking for necessary links on search engines or other external sites, a customer portal supports all their interactions with your business. They know exactly where to go and can easily find the information they need on a client portal.  

Using the right video hosting platform allows your business to experience better communication and collaboration across departments, as well as with external users. This will lead to more engagement and higher productivity. You will be able to make better decisions with access to real-time analytics. With access controls, encryption, and other data protection features you won’t have to worry about exposure of confidential information to the wrong people. 

You also don’t have any concerns about viewers going to content YouTube recommends. You can determine what video content to present to your viewers while watching your videos.  

Wrapping Up 

A video hosting platform should offer you complete control over your video assets. You can offer all views a corporate video portal experience without worrying about a banned video or any other negative consequences that may come with hosting videos on YouTube. Your own videotube allows you to build your brand and use your video assets in optimal ways. CincoTube is currently offering a free forever plan which users can really take advantage of to upload more than 500+ videos.

CincoTube Free Trial

Originally published on November 15th, 2023
The Blog

Going Beyond YouTube: Alternative Video Platforms for Business 

by Simi time to read: 8 min