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How to Use Video in B2B for Lead Generation

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Business-to-business (B2B) marketing keeps evolving. B2B organizations often have fairly complex messages they need to convey. With its storytelling power, using video can take complex concepts and make them easy to understand. Which can make lead generation a challenge for B2B video marketing strategies. Whether it’s explaining how a software solution works or giving a glimpse into a manufacturing process, it can transform confusion into clarity. Video marketing in a B2B organization has many different purposes.

In this blog we’ll showcase the power of adding lead generation to your B2B video marketing strategy and how you can start implementing it today.

The power of video in B2B organizations

A team smiling and planning around a table

In a B2B organization business video can be a very versatile tool. To make it most effective, media management is necessary to organize, store, and distribute it. Internal teams must be able to easily find the videos they need.

  • Think of video content as a welcome mat for new hires. The HR department can create videos to introduce new hires to the company culture, values, etc. Creating tutorial videos and explainer videos are great way to show new hires how to onboard properly and confidently.
  • Rather than sending out lengthy emails or holding long meetings, departments can send bite-sized video updates. They can create short videos for shout-outs and sharing achievements in a quick, yet effective easy-to-digest way.
  • Having to read a thick training manual can put off even the most conscientious employees. Creating engaging video tutorials instead will make them feel as though they have their own private tutor.
  • Meetings are unavoidable but employees can’t always attend. Recording live video streams to create video-on-demand (VOD) means they can catch up. Employees who can’t recall the details of a meeting can also go back and access VOD to refresh their memories. Video features such as subtitles, annotations, and CTAs help with engagement and make videos more accessible.
  • Video streaming can help with celebrating the victories of team members. A whole team can participate and pop some virtual champagne.

Internal videos will give you the power to welcome new hires, update employees, educate, and celebrate their victories.

How to create engaging videos for B2B organizations

Short videos are very popular today. A quick, punchy video can be like a shot of espresso for viewers. There’s no time to get bored or distracted.

  • To create engaging B2B videos requires knowing the audience. What are their pain points and how can they solve them? It’s this type of information that helps with creating successful corporate communication videos to generate quality leads.
  • A B2B video should tell a story. It should start with a hook, build up to a certain point, and end with a bang. It should be relatable and not drown viewers in tech-speak. Creating bite-sized videos allows potential customers to want to watch videos.
  • Adding a human touch to B2B video makes it more relatable. B2B organizations need to find experts to speak to and get their business customers to share how they experience a product or service through video testimonials.
  • A corporate video should contain digital marketing features like lead forms and CTAs. Viewers need to know what steps to take after they finish watching the video. Perhaps this is downloading an e-book or going to another related video or to get started with a demo. Video lead generation is a very common practice and for good reason, it immediately gives viewers the option to fill out a form and do something after they retained knowledge on your product or service.
  • Using a high quality video template can make creating videos easier. Cincopa allows B2B businesses to choose a video template from a wide variety of templates to suit their purposes. They can also incorporate video features that greatly enhance content engagement.

Departments within a B2B organization will have different uses for business video. It has a wide range of applications in departments, such as marketing, sales, and HR.

Marketing department: A marketing department will use video marketing to promote products or services to the team’s target audience. The team will create explainer videos, product demos, and educational content to attract and nurture video leads. Hosting webinars or live video content streams helps in thought leadership and generating leads. Marketing teams can add email address collectors to the beginning or end of videos to collect marketing leads.

Sales department: The sales team can record personalized videos to send to prospects. They can use video content to showcase product features and benefits when they do presentations or make sales pitches. Sales training videos can train teams on product updates and sales strategies. Sales videos are a great way to captivate lead generation on video.

HR department: HR can use videos to interact with new hires and train current employees. Short corporate communication videos for internal communication can share important updates and announcements.

Good media management is necessary to ensure that departments can find the video content they need when they need it. It ensures organized and efficient workflows.


Leveraging video across various B2B marketing channels

Tiktok on a cell phone

Video marketing can be the go-to tool for making sure a message reaches the right audiences at the right time. It is possible to adapt video marketing content to suit different target audiences on websites, social media, or email lists. It is important to note that in todays date, there is no channel that B2B shouldn’t be on. B2B marketing should be on all platforms to generate brand awareness and collect lead generation.

  • Websites of B2B organizations can use video galleries to boost engagement and SEO. Video SEO services optimize video for indexing and ranking on search engines. A video is easier to find in the search results with the use of the right keywords. Video SEO services know the best ranking strategies for videos. Add an email address collector to the end of your videos or add a demo form sign-up to collect leads right from the videos on your homepage or anywhere on your site.
  • Email marketing campaigns that include videos will boost click-through rates and conversions. Embedded corporate video grabs attention and conveys messages more effectively. Emails are a great way to showcase compelling videos, brand video, existing customers with customer testimonials and success stories and a great way to grab potential leads.
  • Social media platforms allow users to upload video content and engage with their audiences through highly sharable, engaging videos. When B2B organizations upload videos on social media, they should post on all social media platforms but can direct their focus on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter which are more effective for B2B marketing. Great ways for B2B organizations to collect leads on social media platforms are to showcase their product or service and create brand videos. Since social media shows to a wide audience range, it’s excellent to increase conversions and brand awareness. Make sure all links direct to a landing page of high quality to capitalize on lead generation right at the decision-making process.


  • Paid advertising campaigns that use corporate video can increase engagement and conversions. Paid advertisements are a great way to increase reach all over the world or local to your business. However, this requires a 30 character headline to capture attention and bring them to your landing page. If your landing page has a video, it is more likely to generate leads. Video lead make sure that once your video is complete, your audience knows exactly what to do.


  • Content marketing including videos in blogs and help documents will be more engaging for audiences. Your content strategy is of the utmost importance for generating leads for your business as it speaks directly to the awareness section of your marketing funnel. Adding compelling video to your blogs and explainer video types is a sure way to collect more leads from your content.


  • Support videos enable customers to access information easily when they need it. explainer videos and how to videos can simplify complex technical issues and help them to resolve problems independently.

Integrating business video with other software solutions a B2B organization uses enables teams to use it effectively for video marketing and more. On a platform like Cincopa, it’s possible to integrate videos with MailChimp, Slack, Hubspot, Moodle, Shopify, and other common software solutions. For example, integrating corporate video with a marketing automation platform or CRM allows organizations to track views and see reports.


Measuring Success: Video Analytics and Lead Tracking

B2B organizations must track and analyze corporate communication video performance. In this digital age, it is essential to see who is watching videos, where they stop watching, or which parts of a message resonate with them. Video analytics can give B2B organizations video insights that allow them to improve their B2B video marketing and lead generation.

Video analytics can help businesses to understand which videos have the most impact on business revenue. Only through tracking metrics such as views, click-through rates (CTR), and more can organizations identify which videos work best. These video insights are very useful to data-driven teams. The analytics from videos, helps organizations to decide where to place their lead generation tools.

A video is considered successful if more than half of the viewers watch it right to the end. Short videos are more effective higher up in the video marketing funnel. Longer ones tend to work better in later stages. Once you know what videos are performing you can add in email gates, and other effective ways to generate leads from your video.

Cincopa uses video heatmaps and dashboards to visually represent how viewers interact with videos. The data can generate video insights such as which videos convert better than others. Don’t confuse the metrics that come from distribution channels like Facebook with the analytics of a dedicated video hosting platform.


Corporate video has a wide range of applications in B2B organizations. Understand where your audience is coming from, how they are interacting with your current content marketing strategy and how to speak to them directly will help you to create content that is important to new customers and prospective customers.

Ensure you are showcasing product benefits and services that you offer and make sure to keep it short.

With Cincopa, you’re able to track and analyze where your viewers are coming from, how much of your videos they are watching and you’re able to increase conversion rates by adding lead generation forms and other forms to your videos.

Cincopa call to action for generating leads with video

Originally published on October 12th, 2023, updated on January 20th, 2024
The Blog

How to Use Video in B2B for Lead Generation

by Simi time to read: 7 min