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The Importance of Video Analytics for Content Marketing in 2023 [Updated 2024]

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Without using video analytics there is no way to tell whether content marketing is working no matter if you’re creating video content for B2B video marketing (business to business) or B2C video marketing (business to consumer). You are in the dark about what appeals most to your audience, what channels work best, and other factors crucial to content marketing success. Video is the most popular form of content marketing. Using the best video analytics solutions can help you take your video content to the next level.

Video Analytics Solutions are important in any business, they help businesses and marketing managers to keep an eye on what is going on with by keeping up-to-date with video surveillance. Video marketing has changed the world in the past few years, reaching the top consumed form of media in 2023. It is absolutely crucial that all businesses everywhere implement video marketing into their content strategy.

In this blog, we’ll show you how the importance of video marketing and how you can implement it into your content marketing strategy.

a group of people in the office smiling and laughing

What is content marketing? 

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves the creation of content like blog posts, marketing video, and social media posts. You don’t always use content marketing to directly sell a product or service but it can stimulate interest in them. Content must be relevant and useful for a clearly defined audience. It can educate and inform them to the extent that they are ready to take action.

Content marketing and video marketing go hand-in-hand as video is the most viewed form of content. Video can be a lot of things, it can be static on your website homepage, you can live-stream or video stream content to engage with viewers, host webinars and so much more.

An integral part of the marketing process

two ladies talking in an interview

Video content is an integral part of the marketing process. It helps you to connect to your target audience online and build meaningful relationships. More trust equates to more conversions and sales. But how do you level-up your video marketing? Try to generate brand awareness as much as you can. This can be done by search engine optimization or SEO, posting on social media platforms consistently, adding video marketing into email campaigns and analyzing video analytics. You should also try to get in on trends and new strategies to stand out from competitors.

  • Search engines reward useful, relevant content. Using search engine optimization (SEO) in content marketing helps to drive organic traffic. When consumers type in certain keywords or phrases, they should be able to easily find your content in the search results. This offers a sustainable way to get traffic, generate leads, and retain customers.
  • Social media marketing involves creating entertaining content. Short-form video content works well on social media platforms and it can promote customer testimonial videos, and is a great tool for generating brand awareness.
  • Consistently great email marketing content can persuade your audience to anticipate, open, and read emails from your brand. If you plan to use video or blogs in your email, make sure to keep it short and to the point to keep viewers focused on your content.

The benefits of video content marketing

According to a report, 86% of content marketers use videos as a content marketing tool. In 2023 it is expected to account for 82.5% of all web traffic. Over 90% of video marketers say that video has improved customer knowledge of their products or services for both B2C and B2B video marketing strategy. Video content helps to increase traffic to websites and dwell time once on the site. It helps to increase brand awareness and reduce support calls. Tutorials, how-to videos, live-streaming videos, and explainer videos are some of the most popular types of video marketing content.

Measuring viewer engagement with Video Analytics

How do you know your video marketing strategy is working? By tracking the performance of your content across platforms and doing a full video content analysis, this allows you to measure your video analytics, viewer engagement and give you extremely valuable insight into your marketing campaign and strategies.

Video analytics tools: Intelligent video analytics can track metrics like page views, social shares, organic traffic, conversion rates, and more. They reveal whether your video content marketing strategies are working and show you where you can improve in your video marketing.

Content marketing strategies: The main goal for using online video analytics is to improve your existing video marketing strategies. They will influence the type of content you produce, the marketing channels you use, the audience you target, and the times at which you publish. There is different strategies for both B2C and B2B video marketing, make sure you do your research and plan with your team to talk about your current marketing goals.

Cincopa’s advanced video analytics: Cincopa video hosting platform provides advanced video analytics tools. The video analytics software also provides in-depth heatmaps to help you understand viewer behavior when watching videos. You can see how much of a video viewers watch and where they are most engaged. Identify parts of a video that viewers re-watch, pause, or skip. This helps you to establish the optimal length for videos, see which viewers are really interested, and work on parts viewers tend to skip. You can embed your video marketing directly into email marketing campaigns, on your website homepage and anywhere else on the web all the while, maintaining safety from unwanted downloaders.


Optimizing content for conversions 

A lady smiling and clicking a button on her laptop

Your conversion rate represents a percentage of visitors among the total number of visitors to your content. These are visitors who register, share their contact information, or indicate interest in your products or services. They will fill in lead generation forms, respond to CTAs in your content, or make a purchase. Optimizing content for conversions is a fantastic way to enhance what your B2B video marketing strategy is already doing.

How do you optimize your conversion rate? When your video marketing leads to one of the above actions, it increases your content conversion rate and click-through rate. You will gain more value from visitors who already show an interest in what you have to offer.

  • Know your audience to create content that converts and encourages click-through rate. Creating relevant content is much easier when you know what issues you can solve for your audience. If you’re a business-to-business, try creating B2B marketing videos that showcase what solutions you can provide to your prospective customers by including short-form product demos. Doing this can help amplify your B2B video marketing strategy quickly.
  • Optimize your blog posts by identifying which ones get the most traffic. Drive more traffic to them and build more brand awareness by sharing them on social media or in email newsletters.
  • Create the right landing pages, to meet your marketing goals optimize your landing pages to match your current marketing funnel, and influence potential customers right where they are in the decision-making process.
  • Create compelling CTAs (calls-to-action) whether you want your audience to complete a survey or make a purchase. B2B video marketing can implement CTAs to book demos, or start a free trial if they offer a service.
  • Share informative video content about your products or services to build trust. This can be in the form of explainer videos or how to videos to show you audience first hand how to use your product or service.
  • Share customer testimonial videos and reviews of products as proof that other potential customers can benefit from using what you offer. Share it on social media and other channels such as email marketing.

Personalization and targeting with video analytics

Analytics tools enable you to segment your audience by how they interact with your content. You can categorize them by how often they engage, what types of content they interact with, and the actions they take after viewing content. This is great for both the marketing funnel and sales funnel. Prospects may sign up for a newsletter, download an e-book, or watch another video – all great tell-tale signs of interest in your product or service.

A selfie-style video where you talk directly into a phone or laptop camera is a quick way to film a personalized video. You can also create a screen-sharing video where you record your computer screen and use audio to explain what’s happening on screen. If a customer is struggling with a complex issue a screen sharing explainer video could help to solve it.

Segmented personalization: Segmenting your audience means you can personalize content for each customer type. You can use data to target them more effectively. All customers who bought the same product could receive a personalized video about that product or you can share success story of previous customers to show them where they could be with your offer.

Personal recommendations: If you have a small business, you can also offer certain forms of personalization in your video marketing strategy. One way to do this would be to create a special playlist of videos for a specific client.

Personalization to establish brand loyalty: You can use the personal data you collect to create personalized videos to help customers celebrate their birthday or anniversary with your company. This helps to establish brand loyalty and makes new customers feel important.

Hyper-personalization: This is tailoring a video specifically to the person who is watching it. This is more common in B2B video marketing to help build a personal connection with specific buyers. You can use it in situations where a one-to-one response is appropriate, such as when a B2B customer needs technical support.

A/B Testing and data-driven decision making

A/B testing helps you to find out which of two different versions of content performs best. It can help you to base your decisions on real data instead of a hunch or what you presume to be true.

You can do A/B testing to test different elements such as the color of the buttons you use for a CTA. Changing the color is unlikely to make a significant difference to your conversion rates. It is more helpful when making decisions such as whether a video about a particular topic performs better than an infographic.

A/B testing allows you to test value propositions on users as they interact with your site. Testing on many visitors can help you get to the bottom of what messaging really works to drive sales. The ultimate aim of A/B testing is to give you insights you can apply when making decisions. These insights can help you to decide on everything from the right CTA to use for a B2B video or which version of an email works best.

Measuring ROI: Demonstrating Content Marketing Success

Measuring the ROI of different video marketing campaigns and types of content is the best way to demonstrate the success of your content marketing. Your ROI is the percentage that shows how much revenue comes from your content marketing in relation to what you spend. A common formula is ROI = (revenue – cost) / cost x 100%.

Measuring the ROI of content marketing can be challenging because it involves so many different goals, metrics, and channels. Tracking conversions from internal blog posts to online sales may be fairly easy but not many customer journeys are as straightforward. If you want to measure content performance, you often have to combine many different statistics.

Define your goals: You must define your goals and KPIs for every content type, campaign, and channel. They must be quantifiable with relevant metrics. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, you will measure conversions, leads, and costs per lead.

Choose an attribution model: An attribution model credits different touchpoints on the customer journey. For example, a linear model gives equal weight to every touchpoint.

Select the right tools and methods: There are many different tools and methods you can for collection, analysis, and reporting on data. They will all help you to measure different aspects of your content marketing performance.

Calculate costs and revenue: To calculate revenue, you must assign a monetary value to each action prompted by your marketing content. To calculate costs you must take into account all the expenses to create, distribute, and promote your content.

Evaluate your results: Compare your ROI with your goals. When you can identify what’s working and what isn’t generating revenue you know how to make improvements. When you can track the ROI on all your marketing efforts, you have more idea of how to allocate your budget. You can allocate more to the type of content marketing and the channels that work best for you.


Access to insights from analytics is vital if you want to optimize your content marketing strategy. Analytics will help you to understand your audience, find the right distribution channels, and optimize every aspect of your campaigns. When you refine your content marketing by gaining insights from analytics, you will foster trust and drive more engagement and conversions. Start a free trial on the Cincopa platform and gain access to advanced video analytics for useful insights into viewer engagement with your video content.

Cincopa call to action for video analytics

Originally published on October 12th, 2023, updated on April 4th, 2024
The Blog

The Importance of Video Analytics for Content Marketing in 2023 [Updated 2024]

by Simi time to read: 9 min