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Product Updates : See What’s New at Cincopa [August 2023]

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Staying on top of the latest tools and trends is crucial to ensuring your content stands out from the crowd. That’s why we’ve been hard at work at Cincopa, releasing a range of new features over the past month to help you create more engaging and dynamic content for both CincoMedia and CincoTube – your all-in-one secure video arena. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow or enhance your audience’s viewing experience, we’ve got you covered!

August product updates new at cincopa

Capture Leads with Video!

Cincopa’s Lead Generation Form Tool

This ones for you marketers! This new feature empowers you to gather viewer contact information, gain insights into their viewing habits through robust analytics, and seamlessly integrate leads into your email marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) systems all from your videos! How exciting right! You can now insert and customize any forms directly onto your video, choosing when to place it, how to skip it and what to do with those leads once you’ve caught em’! Check it out now!

Integrate with your crm and analyze video

Stay on top of it all with CincoTube’s Notifications

CincoTube’s New Notifications Release

This innovative notification system is designed to keep you informed about important events, helping you stay connected and engaged all the while, increasing productivity! CincoTube’s new notifications are pop-up / browser notifications, triggered on many different events like when someone from your team invites you to a public or private channel, when your new video gets likes, or when you’re best work-friend uploads a new video to your channel and so much more. Learn more about CincoTube’s new notifications here.

Video notifications

Keep viewers engaged with Video Progress Bars

CincoTube’s Video Progress Bar 

Video progress bars are visual indicators embedded within video players that provide viewers with real-time feedback on their progress through a video. These bars display a graphical representation of how much of the video has been watched and how much remains. As viewers watch a video, the progress bar fills up, giving them a clear sense of their position within the content’s timeline. This intuitive feature allows viewers to monitor their advancement, comprehend the video’s length, and make informed decisions about their viewing experience. Plus, with CincoTube’s new progress bar feature, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off next time you open the video. Learn More

Video Progress Bar

That’s a wrap on our August update!

We hope this month strikes creativity and productivity within your teams and organizations. Get started today with our new features and product updates – you don’t want to miss out on these great tools that will help you get more out of your digital assets!

Originally published on August 10th, 2023, updated on August 15th, 2023
The Blog

Product Updates : See What’s New at Cincopa [August 2023]

by Emma Caputo time to read: 2 min