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Cincopa for HubSpot Integration – Boost your marketing automation using video

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Cincopa + Hubspot

Why Video?

When 51.9% of marketing professionals see video content as delivering the strongest ROI and 55% of people view online videos every day there is no doubt that Video marketing is a force to be reckoned with.

Video Stats - HubSpot


Why Video Marketing Automation?

Inbound marketing is de-facto the way online marketing works today. Especially B2B.

SEO, Social, and PPC Campaigns all bring the audience to you. Then by using forms, Anonymous users are transformed from digits (IP numbers) to leads with identities. Email address, a name, phone number, company information and even an entire social profile can then be in your hands.

“Knowledge is power” – Sir Francis Bacon

Connect that with the ability to track this person’s activity across your website, blog, emails and other online assets and then trigger personalized messages, based on video viewing behavior, content preferences and reaction to specific promotions and what do you get? Marketing Magic or in other words. Cincopa For Hubspot Video Marketing automation.

Boost your marketing and sales

-Sync viewing data into HubSpot contacts to understand your prospect’s video customer jurney.

-Collect leads via gated video forms (Lead Generation) including HubSpot forms.

-Automatically segment, nurture, qualify and assign leads to your team using HubSpot’s workflows and list Cincopa triggers.

-Close more deals!

-No just video – Cincopa also covers your image slideshow needs with over 50 templates and hosts your podcasts.

Pricing & Availability


Originally published on February 14th, 2018, updated on May 12th, 2019
The Blog

Cincopa for HubSpot Integration – Boost your marketing automation using video

by Tomer Iserovitch time to read: 1 min