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Inbound Video Marketing – Part 2

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Inbound marketing’s end goal is bringing customers to you and your business.

By embedding video content into your blog, landing page or email marketing platform, you are able to attract the attention of your audience and increase your website SEO visibility. You can then pull them in by having your very own brand video play automatically on the homepage of your site.

This is the dream, isn’t? Have businesses come to you with cold-calling and other unwelcome outbound marketing methods – is no longer welcomed.


Marketing Tools

For videos that click.

Let your videos work for you:

When you use a video on your site, you have an inbuilt tool which will increase the visibility of your site in a search engine. The attention span of your potential customers is very short and it is recommended that your video be less than 2 minutes long. There is no point in gaining extra attention only then to lose it by not being clear and straight to the point.

Text and simple graphics alone are now not enough and video is proven to increase audience attraction, as well as maintaining engagement. In this day and age, without video material on your business’s website, you stand at a disadvantage compared to your competition.

SEO and Inbound Video Marketing go hand in hand:

“If video increases SEO, and SEO determines how visible your material is, and Inbound Marketing success is determined by how you attract clients through content marketing then these concepts go hand-in-hand.” – chrispvideo

With the inclusion of increased SEO focused video content in your site, your visibility will drastically increase and this will have an obvious and direct effect on results – more inquiries, more sales, and more revenue and more inbound marketing ploys to lure your target audience.

Video Sharing

Marketing Statistics:

   Google gets over 100 billion searches a month. (Mashable, 2015) (Source:

   61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2017) (Source:

   72% of marketers say relevant content creation was the most effective SEO tactic. (Ascend2, 2015) (Source:

These three statistics are pretty clear and straightforward. If Google gets 100 billion searches a month – give or take a few million – then wouldn’t it be incredibly useful to get your business on top of the list by increasing your (chances) SEO through video?

61% of professional marketers agree that a business’s marketing aim should be by improving SEO through inbound marketing; and if video automatically increases your capacity for SEO, the logical step seems to be the inclusion of video material.

Having the right and relevant video content is an effective SEO tactic. As a business owner, marketer and entrepreneur you need to find the best route in which to implement video into your site. You can now use multi-purpose and multi-functional platforms that do everything your site needs.

 Surprisingly effective video

Video Content and Creation:

You don’t need to hire a video production company or even self-shoot your own video material. As an individual or business, you are able to use various tools and platforms to help you to create and implement a wide variety of features – namely video material.

Also, you can have as much or as little input as you want into the actual creation of such content with online media tools doing most or even all the work for you.

*Ideally you would have the budget to hire a video production professional but there are numerous tools which can allow you to create your own effective video content for example:

An Inbound Video Marketing Conclusion:

Using video in your marketing has shown to increase SEO, target audience engagement and even customer retention.

If you don’t have this marketing medium in place already it’s time to catch up with the rest of the pack. If you already have some form of video marketing in place, you need to ensure that the content you have is target audience appropriate, brand consistent and concise.

Video gone viral

You are now able to utilize fully integrational platforms that effectively do the work for you.

Originally published on February 19th, 2018, updated on April 25th, 2019
The Blog

Inbound Video Marketing – Part 2

by Eran Moradi time to read: 3 min