Things to do on Galleries page Galleries are a great way to share your media with family, friends and even customers. You can create image, slideshow,...
Export Analytics Data To export data from galleries Analytics simply follow the steps below: 1. Navigate to the Galleries page. 2. Select the...
Duplicate a gallery You can duplicate a gallery by following the steps below: Go to My Galleries page. Click on “More Actions” on the gallery...
Edit gallery settings Each gallery has a “Premium Settings” section. Using these settings you can control how your gallery looks like and acts....
Use a gallery as template You can use the gallery as a template by following the steps below: Go to My Galleries page. Click on “More Actions”...
Change the order of items in gallery Follow these instructions to change the order of items in your Cincopa gallery: Go to My Galleries Click on “More Actions”...
Remove items from existing gallery Cincopa Galleries are not only highly customizable, but also easy to adjust and update on the fly without having to...
Add or edit captions and descriptions to gallery Not every skin support captions and description, but for the one that does follow these instructions: You can get to...
How to delete gallery Please follow the steps below to delete your gallery. Please note deleting a gallery does not delete the gallery items/assets...
How to create an audio gallery In this tutorial, we will discuss how to create an audio gallery. To create an audio gallery please follow the steps...
Various methods of deletion Following are a few ways to delete assets and galleries Deleting assets from gallery items Remove selected: The item is...
Gallaries Asset Compatibility Matrix Playlist Category Playlist Name Video Audio Image Document Video playlist Video with Horizontal playlist ✔ Video Academy Template ✔ Spree...
Change Player Color Follow the steps below to change the player color for your galleries Step 1: Go to the Dashboard Step 2:...
How to create Empty Gallery To create an empty gallery please follow the steps below: Step 1: Click on +Create from the top right hand...
Quick Gallery Analytics Follow the steps below in order to view the quick Analytics of a certain gallery Step 1: Go to the...
How to Download a Gallery This article explains how you can download the gallery into a zip file or get a download link to download...
Set up Pre- and Post-Roll Do you have a promotional clip to roll at the beginning or end of your videos? Now you can set...